In this issue
Scientists' contributions
- Sylvain Joffre: Main achievements of COST co-operation in meteorology
- Peter Builtjes: News from EUROTRAC-2, and a question to you!!
Future Events
- Jason Ching: Specialty session at the fourth symposium on the urban environment
- Nicolas Moussiopoulos: SATURN/EURASAP workshop on urban air quality management systems
- Dimitris Melas: NATO advanced research workshop on "air pollution processes in regional scale"
- Ekaterina Batchvarova: Eighth international conference on harmonisation within atmospheric dispersion modelling for regulatory purposes
- Ron Hamilton: The seventh international highway & urban symposium
- EGS Assembly 2002
- EUROTRAC-2 symposium in 2002
Past Events
- Joseph Brechler: EURASAP workshop on meteorol ogical pre-processing for complex terrain - upscaling
- Nigel Bell and Linda Davies: The EURASAP workshop on air pollution & the natural environment: biological monitoring - part 1. The workshop
- Front cover Lapwing (Vanellus vanellus) was one of the species potentially affected by acisification in an exploratory analysis of bird distributions in the UK (See paper of Chamberlain, Warren at al., EURASAP Newsletter Issue 41, 24-25). Photograph T. Holden, British Trust for Ornithology.