Future Events Eight International Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes
Sofia, Bulgaria, 14-17 October 2002
Ekaterina Batchvarova, Sofia, Bulgaria
Dispersion modelling has proved to be a very effective tool to assess the environmental impact of the human activities on air quality already at the planning stage. Such assessments are often needed, and for certain construction works EU directive 85/337/EEC requires them. Only models allow the decision-maker to build up a number of scenarios, in which the various processes determining the environmental load can be easily simulated and changed.
Furthermore, the EU framework directive on air quality (96/62/EC) requires an extensive assessment of air quality in the EU states. It calls for modelling as one of the methods for assessing air quality and it emphasises the need for common methods for air quality assessments. Accordingly, there is a need for the European countries to build upon the experiences of each other, and to harmonise the development and use of models in several respects.
In June 1991, the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission took an initiative on the sharing of information and possible harmonisation of new approaches to atmospheric dispersion modelling and model evaluation. This initiative has fostered a series of conferences that have been concerned with improvement of "modelling culture" in Europe.
The 8th International Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes in Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria, 14-17 October 2002, will continue the efforts of the previous conferences. Special emphasis will be made on the improvement of connections between air pollution modellers and managers, and on the environmental issues of the European Union enlargement process.
Additional information on the Harmonisation Initiative can be found on the web at the following address: http://www.dmu.dk/AtmosphericEnvironment/harmoni.htm
Call for papers
The 8th Conference is addressed to model developers, model users, environmental protection agencies and environmental legislation experts. In view of what is written above, they are invited to submit contributions. Contributions are invited which can serve towards the aim of providing reliable modelling tools that can be used in a sound manner by air quality managers. One-page abstracts with indication of the preferred topic should be submitted no later than 1st March 2002 to the e-mail address: harmo8@meteo.bg.
An area of primary interest for the conference is the assurance of model quality, in particular through model evaluation and quantification of model uncertainties. Work will continue concerning tools used at previous Harmonisation Conferences (Model Validation Kit, ASTM methodology, etc.).
The scope of this Conference is covered by the following topics:
- Validation and inter-comparison of models; model evaluation methodology;
- Regulatory models: country review;
- Short distance dispersion modelling; meteorological pre-processing;
- Urban scale and street canyon modelling: meteorology and air quality ;
- Mesoscale meteorology and air quality modelling;
- Environmental impact assessment: air pollution management and decision support systems. Transfer of EU environmental legislation in the candidate counties.
What distinguishes this conference from many others is its focus on common tools and methodologies. The basic criteria for selecting papers for oral presentation will be whether they fit in with the philosophy of developing an improved modelling culture where modellers as well as regulators and users make effective use of each other's experience.
The Conference will take place in a hotel in the city of Sofia at 15 minutes drive from the International Airport of Sofia.
The Company for International Meetings (CIM) will take care of accommodation, transfers from the airport and social events of the conference:
18 Christo Belchev Str.
1000 Sofia, Bulgaria
Tel (+359 2) 987 48 17, 986 08 06, 981 09 18
Fax (+359 2) 981 99 19, 980 60 74
E-mail: cim@einet.bg
http://www.cim-pco.orgThe hotel prices foreseen are the following:
EURO 75 = for a single room with breakfast, and
EURO 110 = for a double room with breakfast.The Conference registration form, the Hotel accommodation form and other relevant information will be continuously updated on the World Wide Web at the addresses: http://www.cim-pco.org and http://www.meteo.bg/harmo8
Registration fees
The Conference registration fee is:
EURO 400 (full rate)
EURO 300 (student rate)and includes a book of abstracts, welcome reception dinner, lunches, refreshments during the morning and afternoon breaks. The official dinner and sightseeing events are not included in the fee.
Hotel and fees must be paid directly to CIM when checking in or during the conference. The possibilities for payments in advance will be given in details in the registration forms.
Important dates
One-page abstracts should be received by 1st March 2002.
Confirmation for acceptance of contributions will be made by 25th May 2002.
Five-page extended abstracts should be submitted by 25th July 2002.
Dr Ekaterina Batchvarova and Prof. Dimiter Syrakov
National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology
66, Blvd. Tzarigradsko chaussee
1784 Sofia, Bulgaria
Fax: +359 2 9880380
Dimiter.Syrakov@meteo.bgConference e-mail address: harmo8@meteo.bg
Conference Internet address: http://www.meteo.bg/harmo8
The conference is aimed at
Model developers and users
Representatives of environmental agencies (local, national and international)
Environmental legislation experts (national and international)Exhibition
Exhibition area will be available upon preliminary request for scientific publishers and companies wishing to advertise software/hardware products relevant to the subject of the conference.
Sofia is the capital of Bulgaria since the end of 19th century, but archaeology testifies that the earliest inhabitants are to be dated to 7th-8th millennium BC. The earliest written evidence is from 1st millennium BC. Nowadays Sofia is the biggest city in the country with a population exceeding 1.2 million. The city is situated in the proximity of the high mountain of Vitosha. The autumn in Sofia is characterised by relatively warm and sunny days, but cool nights due to the 550-meter elevation above sea level. The mean diurnal temperature during mid October is about 12.5 C.
Steering Committee
For the initiative on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes. The chairman is H. R. Olesen, NERI, Denmark
Dr. J. Bartzis - NCSR "Demokritos", Athens, Greece
Dr. E. Batchvarova - NIMH, Sofia, Bulgaria
Dr. L. Bozo - IAP, Budapest, Hungary
Dr. D. Carruthers - CERC, Cambridge, U.K.
Dr. A. Coppalle - CORIA, Rouen, France
Dr. C. Cuvelier - JRC, Ispra, Italy
Dr. H. Eleveld - RIVM, Bilthoven, The Netherlands
Dr. A. Graff - FEA, Berlin, Germany
Dr. G. Kanevce - University "St. Kliment Ohridski", Bitola, FYROM
Dr. J. Kretzschmar - VITO, Mol, Belgium
Prof. N. Moussiopoulos - Aristote University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Dr. H. Olesen - NERI, Roskilde, Denmark
Dr. A. Skouloudis - JRC, Ispra, Italy
Dr. G. Zanini - ENEA, Bologna, Italy
Scientific Committee
Dr. R. Almbauer - TU, Graz, Austria
Dr. D. Anfossi - CNR, Torino, Italy
Dr. J. Bartzis - NCSR "Demokritos", Athens, Greece
Dr. E. Batchvarova - NIMH, Sofia, Bulgaria
Dr. L. Bozo - IAP, Budapest, Hungary
Dr. R. Britter - University of Cambridge, U. K.
Prof. P. Builtjes - TNO, The Netherlands
Dr. B. Carissimo - EDF, Paris, France
Dr. D. Carruthers - CERC, Cambridge, U.K.
Dr. C. Cuvelier - JRC, Ispra, Italy
Dr. H. Eleveld - RIVM, Bilthoven, The Netherlands
Prof. E. Genikhovich - MGO, St. Petersburg, Russia
Dr. A. Graff - FEA, Berlin, Germany
Dr. S.-E. Gryning - RISOE, Roskilde, Denmark
Dr. G. Kanevce - University "St. Kliment Ohridski", Bitola, FYROM
Dr. J. Kretzschmar - VITO, Mol, Belgium
Dr. P. Mestayer - Ecole Centrale, Nantes, France
Prof. N. Moussiopoulos - Aristote University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Dr. H. Olesen - NERI, Roskilde, Denmark
Prof. M. Schatzman - Meteo Inst., Univ. of Hamburg, Germany
Prof. D. Syrakov - NIMH, Sofia, Bulgaria
Dr. P. Suppan - Fraunhofer-Inst., Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany
Dr. G. Zanini - ENEA, Bologna, Italy
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