Scientists' Contributions November 6-7, 2000 Hotel Ibis in Krakow
Air Quality Management In Urban Areas In The Light Of EU Legislation
(Manuscript finalized October 2000, modified for newsletter publication November, 2000)Modeling Air Quality Pollutant Impacts
John S. Irwin1
Atmospheric Sciences Modeling Division
Air Resources Laboratory
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Research Triangle Park, NC 27711
United States of America
Contents of this paper
Access to Modeling Tools
Air Dispersion Modeling
Natural Variability and Model Uncertainty
Model Accuracy
Appendix - Terminology
Since 1973 the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has provided a selection of numerical air quality dispersion modeling methods. Where once these models were distributed using computer magnetic tape, the distribution now is made via the Support Center for Regulatory Air Models which is available through an Internet web page, The goal of this presentation is to provide a basic understanding of the kinds of air dispersion models available and the purposes for which these dispersion models are best used.
For pollutants that can reasonably be treated as inert, Lagrangian models are made available. Such models provide direct tracking of individual impacts from each of the sources simulated. The spread (or dispersion) of particles or gases within a smoke plume as it is transported downwind is often approximated as having a Gaussian distribution in the vertical and horizontal. This approximation regarding dispersion has been adapted into many Lagrangian air dispersion models, each of which has been tailored to treat a different set of situations, such as: dispersion from building complexes, near roads and intersections, near coastal areas. Eulerian grid models are made available for best treatment of the often complex chemistry of chemically active pollutants, where the pollutant of interest is primarily the result of reactions during transport (as opposed to being emitted directly into the atmosphere). The chemical rates of production of secondarily formed pollutants are controlled by the combined effects of the emissions from all sources. Eulerian grid models typically are stated relative to a volume of air fixed in space, through which the air moves. Following a brief overview of Eulerian and Lagrangian modeling, a discussion is presented of the strengths, limitations and accuracy of local-scale air quality models.
The passage of the Clean Air Act in 1963 and its amendments (U.S. Congress, 1963), in particular the amendments of 1970 and 1977, formalized the need within the United States of America for routine access to air quality simulation models. This act and its amendments established the concept of air quality goals to protect public health and welfare. These goals were expressed in the form of National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS), which were specific maximum permitted air pollution levels. Limiting existing and future emissions so as to attain and maintain these national standards became the responsibility of the states. The states were charged with developing and implementing detailed plans and procedures (State Implementation Plans, SIPs) that when enforced would assure attainment of the NAAQS. Air quality simulation models became the means by which demonstrations could be made that a source's emissions would not endanger attainment of the NAAQS.
Figure 1 provides a schematic representation of some of the concepts envisioned in the Clean Air Act. At the bottom of the cycle depicted, the basic decisions are whether human health and welfare are sufficiently protected. If they are not, then knowing the costs associated with alternative plans for reducing the health and welfare impacts, provides useful information for deciding next steps. The goal of effective costs/benefit analyses is to address at least the major consequences and relationships of alternative air pollution prevention strategies. Removing pollutants from stack gases before they are released to the atmosphere creates an associated cost for the disposal of the pollutants removed. The disposal of these pollutants must be properly addressed, otherwise the air pollution problem has only been transferred to another medium, such as the soil, which may in fact have a more severe and costly environmental impact.
If it is determined that adjustments, e.g. emission limitations, are needed to attain the NAAQS, the next logical step (moving counter-clockwise), is to develop an emission inventory. Developing an inventory is an iterative process. An initial accounting of major known sources is developed. This initial inventory is used as input to an air quality simulation model, and the modeled concentration values are compared to available measured concentration values. An assessment is made as to whether the differences seen are 1) within acceptable bounds given known levels of natural variability, 2) resulting from deficiencies in the application of the air quality model, or 3) deficiencies in emission inventory. This iterative process may involve use of at first rather simplistic air quality simulation models, to provide first order checks of the emission inventory. Then progressively more refined air quality simulation models can be used as needed to further refine both the emission inventory and the air quality simulation to the level necessary for the determination of health and welfare impacts.
Reducing ambient air impacts from specific sources can be accomplished by various means, such as: changing to different fuels, adding control equipment to trap material before it is released to the atmosphere, upgrading industries to use more modern (less polluting) equipment or practices. Each option alters the emissions and each option carries with it an associated cost.
To provide access to available dispersion models, a User's Network for Applied Modeling of Air Pollution (UNAMAP) was developed in 1972 (Turner et al., 1989). Six air quality simulation models were made available to four mainframe computers that were accessible to the public. In 1973 this system was replaced by making available to the public a computer tape of the FORTRAN source codes for the six models through the National Technical Information Service (NTIS). By 1988, version 6 of UNAMAP provided codes for 24 different simulation models, and 19 associated processors and utility programs. Updating the models (many had gained regulatory status) was carefully managed and coordinated within the Environmental Protection Agency (Environmental Protection Agency, 1986). These demands and the advent of electronic Bulletin Board Systems (BBS) prompted conversion to the Support Center for Regulatory Air Models (SCRAM) BBS in May, 1989. Initially SCRAM consisted of 18 models and utility programs, with a total of about 50 files available for download through 4 phone modem lines. Download activity was around 30 files per week during the first few months and grew to an average of about 2100 files per week by 1995. In 1995, 40 modem lines were available at any given moment via EPA's Technology Transfer Network (TTN). The TTN consisted of over 15 separate BBS systems, providing a vast variety of information and services related to air pollution control. Over time, the purpose of SCRAM was expanded to include not only software for various air simulation models, but also modeling guidance documents. Today, there are 46 models and utility programs made available via SCRAM, with over 3500 files available for download. On April 23, 1996, SCRAM became accessible via Internet. The web page address is: (Note, a web page of interest in Europe is
Air quality simulation models can be characterized broadly by the manner in which the fate and transport of pollutants within the air are simulated. Models of physical processes whose equations are stated relative to a volume of air that follows the dispersing material during transport downwind can be referred to as Lagrangian models. Models of physical processes whose equations are stated relative to a volume of air fixed in space, through which the air moves can be referred to as Eulerian models. As discussed below, selecting an air simulation model for use for a particular situation involves not only an awareness of the tradeoffs in using different model constructs and the pollutants being modeled, but also includes among other factors, the emission control options being considered and the chemical and physical process being simulated. Since this is a general discussion to emphasize principles, specific references have purposely not been provided. A useful general reference that discusses much more than will be merely introduced here, and itself, provides an excellent cross reference to other references, is Randerson (1984).
Eulerian Models
Shown in Figure 2 is a first-order implementation of a grid model. In this implementation, the entire modeling domain is one box. The emissions within this volume from area, point and line sources are assumed to be instantaneously well-mixed throughout the volume. The chemical reactions resulting from the interaction of the emitted species with each other and with incoming solar radiation are then simulated to produce volume average concentrations as a function of time. One-volume grid models are often used as screening aids in assessing potential problems in the application of more comprehensive models. A discussion and illustration of a popular single-cell grid model, OZIP, often used for screening analyses is provided on the Internet at A more complete characterization of the processes is obtained by dividing the modeling domain into horizontal grid cells, stacked in the vertical. This allows elevated point source emissions to be injected into the simulation into cells aloft and near-surface emissions to be injected in the grid cells next to the surface, to provide a more realistic characterization of the processes, (Environmental Protection Agency, 1990). Within these multi-grid models, the emissions are well-mixed within each cell they are emitted. Advection between grid cells occurs over time, and is typically a function of the time-dependent three-dimensional meteorological conditions within the modeling domain.
The impact of secondarily formed pollutants typically involves primary precursor emissions from a multitude of widely dispersed sources, such as automobiles, power plants, trees and vegetation. The formation through chemical and physical processes of pollutants during transport downwind takes time. The development of emission control strategies for secondarily formed pollutants rarely involves adjustments unique to particular individual sources. Hence, Eulerian grid models are very useful for assessing the effects of secondarily formed pollutants.
Lagrangian models
Shown in Figure 3 is a popular implementation of a steady-state Lagrangian model, namely the Gaussian plume model (Turner, 1970). Based on field tests of tracer gas dispersion, it has been determined that the crosswind concentration profile along the surface, downwind from a point source release, appears to generally have a bell-shaped profile (Gaussian). Even the vertical profile can be often approximated as having a Gaussian profile. Empirical data provide a basis for estimating the growth in the vertical and lateral dimensions of the dispersing plume as it moves downwind. Adjustments can be made to account for the fact that the vertical and lateral growth of the dispersing material will be faster over large trees and bushes, than over large lakes or bodies of water. Algorithms have been developed to account for the fact that most industrial source emissions are hotter than the surrounding ambient air, and tend to rise. Through the years, other adaptations have been developed, such as, accounting for possible capture of the emissions upon release within the wake of nearby buildings, and accounting for alteration in the downwind course of the plume and rate of dispersion due to a hill being in the path of the plume. The plume model is limited to downwind distances for which the dispersive state of the atmosphere can be assumed to be steady-state. This limits the plume model to distances on the order 10 to 20km.
These same Lagrangian concepts can be adapted to a puff model (see Figure 4), where the emission is simulated as a series of overlapping puffs, which then allows nonsteady-state conditions (in time or space) to be appropriately simulated. After several hours, natural variations in wind direction in time and space, will cause the plume to have a serpentine shape, which can be well-approximated using a puff model. Puff models can approximate the transport within valleys and around hills, where the wind pattern may be strongly affected by warm upslope winds during the day and downslope (drainage) winds during the night. In contrast to plume models, puff models are not founded on a premise that the transport downwind is sufficient that dispersion in the along wind direction can be neglected. Puff models provide useful results even during stagnation conditions, when winds become light and variable.
The major impacts from primary emissions are usually near the release, typically involving transport downwind of less than 15km. Developing effective plans to mitigate impacts from primary emissions often involves unique limitations being placed on individual sources. One of the strengths of Lagrangian models is that they can be fashioned to address very local (source-specific) factors that greatly affect the local (near-field) dispersion and related concentration values. Since Lagrangian models track independently the contributions from each source, they are very useful for assessing the effects of primary emissions of pollutants.
Natural Variability and Uncertainly
As discussed in the Terminology Appendix, variability refers to the observable variations that happen naturally, whereas, uncertainty refers to differences between observed and modeled values that represent a lack of knowledge (modeling skill). These differences are mostly the fault of model formulation uncertainty, but also arise in characterizing the model input. We can speak of model uncertainty as being composed of:
- theory uncertainty - there may be more than one theory that adequately describes available data;
- formulation uncertainty - is a combination of a) the portion of naturally occurring variations that is unresolved by the model formulations, and b) errors in the model formulations;
- numerical uncertainty - conversion of mathematical algorithms to numerical code may involve approximations, that if not well-treated, could lead to spurious noise in the solutions;
- representativeness uncertainty - every model is based on certain assumptions of spatial and temporal homogeneity, which the model input is supposed to satisfy, and which the model outputs are to be compared. Differences in properly satisfying these data input assumptions is typically referred to as "input uncertainty", but this conceals the fact that the problem is not simply measurement uncertainty, but a failure to supply data that is representative of the model's assumptions.
At best air dispersion models provide an unbiased estimate of the average concentration expected over all realizations of an ensemble. An estimate of an ensemble can be developed from a set of experiments having fixed external conditions (Lumley and Panofsky, 1964). To accomplish this, the available concentration values are sorted into classes characterizing ensembles. For each of the ensembles thus formed, the difference between the ensemble average and any one observed realization (experimental observation) is then ascribed to unresolved natural variability, whose variance, , can be expressed as (Venkatram, 1988):
= < ( Co - < Co > )2 >
where Co is the observed concentration seen within a realization; the angle brackets refer to an average over all available realizations within a given ensemble. < Co > is thus the estimated ensemble average, which is what a model (deterministic or stochastic) is attempting to characterize, and the ensemble refers to the infinite population of all possible realizations meeting the chosen characteristics of the ensemble. In practice, we will only have a small sample from this ensemble. Available estimates suggest may be large, of order < Co > (Hanna, 1993).
An illustration of unresolved concentration variability is presented in Figure 5. Project Prairie Grass (Barad, 1958, and Haugen, 1959) is a classic tracer dispersion experiment, where sulfur-dioxide (SO2) was released from a small tube placed 46 cm above the ground. Seventy 20-minute releases were conducted during July and August 1956, in a wheat field near O'Neil, Nebraska. The wild hay was trimmed to a uniform height of 5 to 6 cm in height. Sampling arcs were positioned on semicircles centered on the release, at downwind distances of 50, 100, 200, 400 and 800m. The samplers were positioned 1.5m above the ground, and provided 10-minute concentration values.
For the purpose of illustrating unresolved concentration variability, small ensembles of six experiments along the 400-m arc have been grouped together in Figure 5 using the inverse of the Monin-Obukhov length, L, a stability parameter. L is negative when the surface is heated (upward heat flux), and positive during when the surface is cooled (downward heat flux). 1/L approaches zero, when the surface layer of the atmosphere approaches neutral stability conditions. To group the results of the six experiments together, the concentration values have been normalized by multiplying the concentration values by U/Q, where U was defined as the wind speed observed at 8m above the ground and Q is the emission rate. The solid line shown for each group is a Gaussian fit to the results for the six experiments in the group. As mentioned earlier in this discussion, the lateral dispersion is seen to be well approximated by a Gaussian shape. The scatter of the normalized concentration values about this Gaussian fit can be statistically analyzed to provide an estimate of the concentration variability not characterized by the Gaussian fit. From analyses of this and another tracer study (involving tracer injected into the emissions of a 186m stack of an operating power plant), the stochastic fluctuations (unresolved natural variability) was investigated by analyzing the distribution of Co/< Co > for centerline concentration values. This distribution was found to have a somewhat log-normal distribution with a standard geometric deviation of order 1.5 to 2 (Irwin and Lee, 1996). These results suggests that centerline concentration values from individual experiments may typically deviate from the ensemble average maximum by as much as a factor of 2 due to unresolved natural variability (formulation uncertainty).
Given that models are attempting to characterize how the ensemble mean varies (< Co > in equation 1), one might ask why models are not fashioned that explain more of the physical processes, and thereby characterize more of the explainable variations. This would reduce the amount of unexplained natural variations ( is equation 1). As is explained in the following paragraphs, experiences to date suggest that parsimony (economy or simplicity of assumptions) is a desired trait in modeling. As illustrated in Figure 6, as the model formulation increases in complexity (to explicitly treat more physical processes), we increase the number of input variables, which increases the likelihood of degrading the model's performance due to data representativeness uncertainty.
Using a Gaussian plume model, Irwin et al. (1987) investigated the uncertainty in estimating the hourly maximum concentration from elevated buoyant sources during unstable atmospheric conditions due to model input uncertainties. A numerical uncertainty analysis was performed using the Monte-Carlo technique to propagate the uncertainties associated with the model input. Uncertainties were assumed to exist in four model input parameters: wind speed, standard deviation of lateral wind direction fluctuations, standard deviation of vertical wind direction fluctuations, and plume rise. It was concluded that the uncertainty in the maximum concentration estimates is approximately double the uncertainty assumed in the model input. For instance, if 50% of the input values are within 30% of their error-free values, then 50% of the estimated maximum concentration values will be within 60% of their error-free values. Using a photochemical grid model, Hanna et al. (1998) investigated the uncertainty in estimating domain-wide hourly maximum ozone concentration values near New York City for July 7-8, 1988. Fifty Monte-Carlo runs where made in which the emissions, chemical initial conditions, meteorological input and chemical reaction rates where varied within expected ranges of uncertainty. The amount of uncertainty varied, depending on the variable. Those variables with the least assumed uncertainty (most of the meteorological inputs) were assumed to be within 30% of their error-free values 95% of the time. Larger uncertainties were generally assumed for the emissions and reaction rates. They found the domain-wide maximum hourly averaged ozone ranged from 176 to 331 ppb (almost a factor of two range). These two investigations reveal that uncertainty in modeling results due to model input uncertainties is quite large, regardless of whether the model is a Gaussian plume model, a photochemical grid model, or whether the specie being modeled is inert or chemically reactive.
Irwin and Smith (1984) warned that disagreement between the indicated wind direction and the actual direction of the path of a plume from an isolated point source is a major cause for disagreement between model predictions and observations. Plumes from such sources typically expand at an angle of approximately 10 degrees, as they proceed downwind, and seldom is this angle larger than 20 degrees. With such narrow plumes, even a 2-degree error in estimating the plume transport direction can cause very large disagreement between modeled and observed surface concentration values. Weil et al. (1992) analyzed nine periods from the EPRI Kincaid experiments, where each period was about 4 hours long. They concluded that for short travel times (where the growth rate of the plume's width is nearly linear with travel time), the uncertainty in the plume transport direction is of the order of 25% of the plume's total width. Farther downwind, where the growth rate of the plume's width is less rapid, the uncertainty in the plume transport direction is larger than 25% of the plume's total width. Uncertainty in plume transport characterization is thus seen to be so large as to preclude meaningful comparison of modeled and observed concentration values fixed space. Unless some adjustment (shifting in modeled and observed patterns) is made, the correlation will be nearly zero, even for an "error-free" model suffering only from uncertainties in the characterization of the transport.
This section has presented an overview of why modeled and observed values differ. The observations are envisioned as being composed of an ensemble means about which there are deviations either resulting from measurement uncertainty or uncharacterized natural variability (a component of model formulation uncertainty as it represents physical processes not accounted for in the modeling). The model values are envisioned as being composed of an ensemble means about which there are deviations either resulting from input (representativeness) uncertainty or model formulation errors. It was discussed that differences arising from unresolved natural variations and input representativeness are large, regardless of whether we are speaking of a Lagrangian model, or an Eulerian grid model, or whether the specie being modeled is inert or chemically reactive. Examples were provided that suggest that the effects of input uncertainty can be amplified within the modeling (e.g., doubled), and that uncertainty in the model formulation can easily lead to variations of order a factor of two or more.
Model Accuracy
Most model evaluation results currently available in the literature are for applied dispersion models that use ensemble average characterizations of the vertical and lateral dispersion, the chemical transformations, and the physical removal processes. Thus, these applied dispersion models can only provide a description of the average fate and dispersion of pollutants to be associated with each possible ensemble of conditions. The unresolved natural variability can and will result in large deviations to be seen in comparisons of individual observations (which are individual realizations from an ensemble of realizations) with modeling results (which are characterizing the ensemble average result).
Figure 7 shows a comparison of observed and simulated daily maximum 1-hour ozone concentration values. These results are from a compilation of a series of photochemical model simulations conducted within the United States (Environmental Protection Agency, 1996). These domain-wide 1-hour maxima are not paired in space, so for a complete evaluation of model performance both spatial and temporal analyses of the matching between the simulated and observed concentration values would be desirable. For the 129 comparisons shown in Figure 7, the average fractional bias, FB, is 0.2% with a standard deviation of 19%. The fractional bias was defined as
FB = 2(e-o)/(e+o),
where e and o are the simulated and observed values respectively. Over 90% of the simulation results are within 30 of observed values. These results are typical of those found by other investigators. Reviews of past Eulerian grid model evaluation studies suggest that the accuracy of hourly averaged ozone simulations is of order 35 to 40 (for example, Tesche, 1988). The spatial pattern for surface ozone concentration values is typically a broad flat maximum with weak spatial gradients. Localized areas with strong gradients in ozone concentration are found in the near vicinity of sources emitting large amounts of nitrogen oxides, which can locally deplete the ozone. Given a reasonably good precursor inventory, one would expect the ozone pattern to be well simulated. Sources with large emissions of nitrogen oxide should be easy to identify. The production of ozone is strongly forced to track the presence of sunlight and the precursor emissions are often strongly correlated with surface temperatures, so the model estimates are forced somewhat to show good correlation in time (assuming meteorological inputs are adequately characterized).
In recent years, more attention is being given to assessing the performance of Eulerian grid models in characterizing concentrations of primary pollutants. Studies as Kumar et al. (1994), suggest that large differences are seen when comparisons are made involving primary pollutants. Differences seen for primary pollutants are typically an order of magnitude larger than those seen for the reactive (secondarily formed) pollutants. The surface concentration values of primary pollutants are typically one of localized maxima and minima, surrounded by strong gradients. This is a difficult pattern to characterize. The simulation results are strongly dependent on proper characterization of the emissions and on the sophistication brought to bear on the analysis and characterization of the time and space varying three-dimensional wind field. One of the more problematic inputs for grid models is the spatial and temporal characterization of the precursor emissions, which are often deduced from assumptions of land use, activity patterns, traffic flows, etc., rather than on direct measurements of emissions.
Figure 8a shows a comparison of observed and simulated SO2 concentration values in the vicinity of the Clifty Creek power plant which is located in a rural area near Madison, Indiana in the United States. There were 6 air quality monitors near this power plant, ranging in distance from 3 to 15 km from the power plant. This power plant has six coal-fired boilers each capable of producing 217 megawatts of power. For each pair of boilers there is one 208-m stack. The average hourly SO2 emission rate for 1975 and 1976 was 8.67kg/s. For each year (1975 and 1976) the maximum observed and simulated SO2 concentration value for each receptor is shown for several averaging times, ranging from the 1-hour maximum to the annual average. Data files from Environmental Protection Agency (1982) for the CRSTER dispersion model (Environmental Protection Agency, 1977) were used to construct the data shown in Figure 8a. Through the years, CRSTER has been replaced by other Gaussian plume dispersion models, but the comparisons shown in Figure 8a are typical of those summarized in Hanna (1993) for characterization of SO2 emissions from isolated power plants located in rural areas of the United States.
The trend to increasingly underestimate the maximum concentration as averaging time increases can be summarized using the average fractional bias, FB. The average FB for each averaging time is: 24% (1-hr), 5% (3-hr), -6% (12-hr), -9% (24-hr), -43% (720-hr), and -77% (annual average). The standard deviation of FB (a measure of relative scatter) is relatively independent of averaging time, ranging from 34 to 47%. If we summarize these results by stability, it can be shown that there is a bias to overestimate concentrations during unstable conditions and to underestimate concentrations during stable conditions. The bias seen in the model performance may in part be traceable to the use of the Pasquill-Gifford dispersion parameters (Turner, 1970), in which the lateral dispersion has an implied averaging time of three minutes (hence the simulated lateral dispersion is too narrow for characterization of 1-hour average dispersion), and the vertical dispersion is typical for ground-level releases (which has various deficiencies for characterizing dispersion from tall stack emissions). Studies during the late 1980's of tall stack dispersion in convectively unstable conditions have shown that standard Gaussian plume models cannot properly simulate the effects on dispersion of the highly organized convective eddies. As a consequence, Gaussian plume models like CRSTER tend to underestimate maximum surface concentration values from tall stack emissions during convectively unstable conditions.
Figure 8b shows the comparison of observed and simulated SO2 concentration values for 1976 in the vicinity of St. Louis, Missouri in the United States. Seven of these monitors were within 13 km of downtown St. Louis, five were within 13 to 36 km, and the remaining site was about 50 km north of the downtown area. The SO2 emission inventory included 208 point sources and 1989 area sources. Although the area sources only accounted for about 3.5% of the 29.76kg/s of total SO2 emissions, the simulated area source impacts were 14 to 67% of the annual average concentration values for the 13 downtown monitors (Irwin and Brown, 1985). The comparison results shown in Figure 8b are listed in Turner and Irwin (1983), and are for RAM, a Gaussian plume dispersion model that is tailored for urban applications. The average FB for each averaging time is: 0% (1-hr), -18% (3-hr), -35% (24-hr), and -2% (annual average). The standard deviation of the FB varies as averaging time varies, as: 59% (1-hr), 46% (3-hr), 60% (24-hr), and 33% (annual average). The results shown in Figure 8b are typical of those summarized in Hanna (1993) for characterization of SO2 emissions in urban areas of the United States. The dispersion parameters in RAM are based on tracer studies of dispersion conducted in an urban area. The tracer releases were conducted from ground-level releases and from the roof of a three-story building. The averaging time of these tracer releases (and hence the urban dispersion curves in RAM) is approximately one hour.
Within the United States emphasis has been placed on the development, evaluation and application of air quality simulation models that allow development of air quality management plans to achieve defined national air quality goals. These plans involve development of emission control strategies sometimes for individual sources ("primary" impacts associated with pollutants emitted directly into the atmosphere) and sometimes for classes of sources ("secondary" impacts associated with pollutants formed during transport). Part of the decision of which model to select is dictated by ensuring that the appropriate physical processes are addressed by the model. But, another part of the decision in model selection is the recognition that every model is a compromise, in that not all processes are included or else the computational demands would become not only excessive but highly uncertain. Hence, model selection often involves expert judgment based on actual experience in the use and application of the various models available.
Typically Eulerian grid models cannot treat individual source impacts, unless the emissions from the individual source are a significant fraction of the domain total emissions, and these impacts are several grid cells from the source. This limitation arises from the fact that current grid models uniformly mix the emissions within the grid cell, and thus do not properly address the initial growth and dispersion of the pollutants. Since grid models are most often used to address impacts from pollutants that are formed from other primary emissions, the lack of treatment of initial dispersion effects is typically assumed to be tolerable. Recent studies are showing that better characterization of the chemical reactions may require more direct and complete treatment of the initial dispersion effects. Hence, in the future we can expect the more advanced chemical models to be "puff-in-grid" models, where initial "sub-grid" dispersion will be treated by a puff model.
Typically Lagrangian plume and puff models can, at best, only treat chemical processes that can be approximated as simple linear transformations in time. But Lagrangian plume and puff models can track individual source impacts, allowing for development of source specific air pollution control strategies. Since the uncertainties in the characterization of the direction of transport are of the order of the actual plume width, large differences are seen when concentrations are paired in time and space. But when comparisons are made of observed and simulated frequency distributions for fixed receptors, current applied plume and puff models typically provide estimates of maximum concentration values within a factor of two or three of those observed. These differences are an order of magnitude larger than those seen for estimates of secondary pollutants, but are understandable when one considers the lack of any strong constraints in the dispersive processes that would ensure correlation in time. Also, the dynamic range of concentrations of the secondary pollutants is typically much smaller than the primary species. Regardless of whether the model is Eulerian or Lagrangian, modeling the transport and dispersion of inert pollutants appears to be an order of magnitude more difficult than simulation of secondarily formed pollutants whose reaction rates are strongly correlated by the availability of sunlight, and for which offsetting bias in complex chemistry may mask model deficiencies.
Recent model performance evaluations suggest that much of the differences seen between modeling results and observations for inert tracers may result from unresolved natural variability and input data representativeness. Future development of the model performance evaluation methods will likely devote more attention to developing objective methods for discerning whether the differences seen in model performance are significant in comparison to differences arising from a combination of model uncertainty and unresolved natural variability.
The information in this document has been funded in part by the United States Environmental Protection Agency under an Interagency Agreement (DW13937039-01-06) to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. It has been subjected to Agency review for approval for presentation and publication. Mention of trade names or commercial products does not constitute endorsement or recommendation for use
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U.S. Congress, (1963): Clean Air Act as Amended by Air Quality Act of 1967 (Public Law 90-148); The Clean Air Act Amendments of 1970 (Public Law 91-604); The Technical Amendments of 1973 (Public Law 92-157, Public Law 93-15, and Public Law 93-319); and The Clean Air Act Amendments of 1977 (Public Law 95-95), United States Code, Title 42, '1857 et. seq.
Venkatram, A., (1988): Topics in Applied Modeling. In Lectures on Air Pollution Modeling, A. Venkatram and J.C. Wyngaard (Editors). American Meteorological Society. Boston, MA. pp. 267-324.
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A review of the literature reveals a diversity of definitions for terms used in model performance evaluations. To avoid confusion and misunderstandings, it would be helpful to achieve some harmonization about terminology and its use. We offer some definitions for consideration.
Atmospheric dispersion model: - an idealization of atmospheric physics and processes to calculate the magnitude and location of pollutant concentrations. This may take the form of an equation, algorithm, or series of equations/algorithms used to calculate average or time-varying concentration. They may take the form of a deterministic model or a statistical model The model may involve numerical methods for solution.
Deterministic model: - a model is deterministic when it is assumed that all possible behaviors are determined by the set of equations comprising the model.
Evaluation (or Validation): - is the assessment of model performance based on comparisons of model outputs with experimental data. What is called in the USA the statistical evaluation of model performance is typically called model validation in Europe.
Evaluation (or Validation) Objective: - a feature or characteristic which can be defined through an analysis of the observed concentration pattern (e.g., maximum centerline concentration or lateral extent of the average concentration pattern as a function of downwind distance) for which one desires to assess the skill of the models to reproduce.
Evaluation (or Validation) Procedure: - the analysis steps to be taken to compute the value of the evaluation objective from the observed and modeled patterns of concentration values.
Fate: - the destiny of a chemical or biological pollutant after release into the environment.
Process Model (of a stochastic process): - an idealization of atmospheric physics and processes to calculate the magnitude and location of pollutant concentrations based on fate, transport, and dispersion in the atmosphere. These models most often are deterministic models, but in principle, could attempt to characterize the stochastic process effects.
Statistical Model (of a stochastic process): - a statistical model of a stochastic process represents dependence of successive or neighboring events in response to variation in an external influence on the process. These models are parsimonious using the fewest number of parameters capable of explaining quantitative variation in some observed data.
Stochastic Process: - a stochastic process is a continuous causal process in time, space, or both, responding to variation in an external influence, and producing a varying series of measured states or events.
Uncertainty: - a difference (or differences) between what is modeled and what is observed that is a consequence of a lack of knowledge, errors (or omissions) in formulations and observations. In principle, uncertainty can be reduced with either improved observations or theory.
Variability: - is what happens in the natural system; the observable variations.
Verification: - is the checking of the computer code to ensure that it is a true representation of the conceptual model on which it is based. This includes checking whether the mathematical equations involved have been solved correctly, comparing the numerical solutions with idealized cases for which an analytic solution exists.
1 On assignment to the Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
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