Future Events AQM2005 - 3rd INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM on AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT at Urban, Regional and Global Scales
26-30 September 2005, ISTANBUL, TURKEY
Symposium will be held on 26-30 September 2005 in Istanbul. Istanbul is one of the very unique cities in the world. It is a city where different cultures and two continents; Asia and Europe meet. The city is alive for 24 hours a day throughout the whole year. Istanbul is easily and directly accessible from all airports around the world.OBJECTIVE
The objective of the 3rd International Symposium on Air Quality Management at Urban, Regional and Global Scales is to bring those working in the field of management of air quality including scientists from universities, research organizations, government and industry together.HISTORICAL
The 1st Air Quality Management Symposium was held on September 1997 in Istanbul. It was an exclusively remarkable scientific cornerstone in air pollution science in the region. The symposium book, which was published as a special issue of Environmental Research Forum by the Trans Tech Publisher, has been distributed throughout the world. The 2nd Air Quality Management Symposium was held in 2001. The selected papers through peer-reviewing process were published in a special issue of the Journal of Water & Soil Pollution: Focus by Kluwer in 2003. The 3rd AQM in Istanbul (AQM 2005) to be held on 26-30 September 2005 will continue the efforts of the previous conferences to make AQMs a traditional event in the area of Air Quality Management. This time the TUNCAP of Turkey and KENSS of Korea will jointly organize the AQM 2005.TOPICS
- Urban and Rural Air Quality
- Aerosols
- Air Quality Modeling
- Air Quality Management
- Regional Studies
- Impacts on Forest and Vegetation
- Acid Rain
- Ozone Problems
- Assessment, Monitoring and Control
- Global Scale Problems
- Industrial Emissions
- Toxic and Hazardous Pollutants
- Decision Support Systems
- Risk Management
- Odor Management
- Indoor Air Quality
- Air Quality Prevention and Education
- Air Pollution Impact to Climate Change
- Duststorm Generation and Transportation
Abstracts of contributions (maximum two-pages or 1000 words) should be submitted until 1 March 2005. The abstracts should include:The official language of the Symposium is English.
- The title of the paper
- Name of the authors and affiliations with e-mail address
- Summary of the objectives, main findings and results.
- Key words
Confirmation for acceptance of contributions will be announced by the end of April 2005. There will be both oral presentations and poster sessions.PUBLICATION
Authors of the accepted abstracts will be invited to submit full manuscripts of maximum 8 pages. Extended abstracts in the printed form and full manuscripts on a CD will be available to the participants at the time of registration. Selected successful presentations will also be published in outstanding journals (Special issue of International Journal of Environmental Pollution and others ) after the peer-review process.EXHIBITION
Facilities will be made available to companies or organizations wishing to exhibit products, services, hardware and software that are consistent with the theme of the Symposium.IMPORTANT DATES
Deadline for submission of abstracts: 1 March 2005 Notification of acceptance of abstracts: 1 May 2005 End of early registration at reduced fee: 1 June 2005 Submission of full manuscripts: 1 July 2005SYMPOSIUM CHAIRS
S. Incecik, Istanbul Technical University), Turkey
H. Choi, Kangnung National University (KENSS), KoreaContact Address
Prof. Selahattin INCECIK
Istanbul Technical University
Faculty of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Department of Meteorology
Maslak 34469, Istanbul-TURKEY
Tel: +90 212 285 3143,
Fax: +90 212 285 2926,
Web: http://web.deu.edu.tr/tuncap/aqm2005
Future Events
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