Future Events Third Circular and Call for Papers
1st Alexander von Humboldt International Conference
on The El Niño phenomenon and its global impactGuayaquil, Ecuador, May 16-20, 2005
organized by
Centro International para la Investigación del Fenómeno de El Niño (CIIFEN) and
European Geosciences Union (EGU)
under the patronage of
Klaus Toepfer - Executive-Director of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP)
The meeting aims at discussing El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) in all aspects related to the Ocean, Atmosphere, Climate, Biology and Human Dimensions, its impact in South America and teleconnections worldwide. It is the first of a series of Alexander von Humboldt Conferences initiated by EGU, international meetings related to geophysical topics of particular importance to South America, which are jointly organized by South American and EGU experts.Scientific Program Committee:
Peter Fabian; EGU, Germany
Jose Luis Santos; Ecuador
Wolf Arntz; EGU, Germany
Gerald Ganssen; EGU, Netherlands
Fausto Guzzetti; EGU, Italy
Jose Marengo; Brasil
Enrique Palacios; Ecuador
Juan Tarazona; PeruLocal Organizing Committee:
Jose Luis Santos and teamProgram: (To be introduced by invited Keynote Speakers)
- The El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) Phenomenon
- ENSO in Climate History (all time scales including Paleo-ENSO)
- Recent major El Niño Events and their:
- Impacts in South America
- Interaction between Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) and ENSO
- Impacts on Marine Biology
- Impacts on Pelagic Ecosystems
- Impacts on Benthic Ecosystems
- Impacts on Terrestrial Ecosystems
- Teleconnections and Worldwide Impact
- ENSO Prediction
- El Niño and Global Warming
- Socio-Economic Aspects
Invited Keynote Speakers:
Wolf Arntz, Germany
Michael McPhaden, USA
Francisco Chavez, Peru
Laban A. Ogallo, Kenya
Ken Davidson, WMO
Luc Ortlieb, France
Henk Dijkstra, USA
Kevin OLoughlin, Australia
Michael H. Glantz, USA
Jose Luis Santos, Ecuador
Zheng Guaguang, China
Ted Strub, USA
Victor Magana, Mexico
Juan Jesus Torres, PeruAbstracts:
Deadline for the receipt of abstracts is October 11, 2004. Participants who wish to give a presentation (oral or poster) must submit an abstract in English, with style, layout and format in accordance with the options described in detail on the web-pages (http://www.copernicus.org/EGU/topconf/avh1). Abstracts are reviewed by the Programme Committee, who decides about acceptance of a contribution and classifies the contributions received into oral and poster sessions.Conference Proceedings, publications:
It is planned to publish contributions to this conference in a suitable EGU journal (in English). Authors whose papers have been accepted for presentation are invited to prepare a short but selfcontained manuscript for publication in the Conference Proceedings with deadline May 16-20, 2005. Authors should hand out a paper copy of their manuscripts directly to the Conference Secretariat together with the diskette/CD. Details you will find on the web-pages.Conference language:
English and Spanish (simultaneous translation available)Conference fee:
In order to facilitate preparations, participants are invited to register before 31 Jan 2005 by completing and returning the Registration Form (http://www.copernicus.org/EGU/topconf/avh1); however, on site registration at the conference desk is also possible. The rates, covering the conference costs, are: before 31 Jan 2005 US $ 100, after 31 Jan 2005 - US $ 120, on-site registration - US $ 150Registration fees can be paid by postal money order, cheque or credit card (VISA, Eurocard/Mastercard, American Express, and JCB). Cheques are accepted in Euro or US Dollars. A cheque fee of 10 US $ will apply. The receipt for the registration fee will be given to every participant directly at the conference. Registration fees on-site can be paid cash or by cheque (US $ only). Limited financial assistance for young scientists presenting a paper (age limit 35 recommended by their director or institute head, professor etc.) will be made available. There is also possibility of partial funding (lodging, airport taxes etc.) for outstanding works. Application has to be made to the Conference Secretariat until October 11, 2004.
The city of Guayaquil is one of the most important harbors in Latin America and it is the largest city in Ecuador. Guayaquil is the economical capital of the nation. Ecuador is one of the few countries which produce and export vegetal ivory (tagua), balsa wood and passion fruit, and it is one of the major shrimp producers of the world. Currently, Guayaquil has around three million people.Accommodation:
There are plenty of good hotels in walking distance to the venue, at prices ranging from US $ 45 up. Less expensive hotels are also available (please contact the Conference Secretariat). CIIFEN can provide discount rates at a couple of hotels. It is important that the participant selects the hotel. If, desired, reservations can be done by the local Committee (send requests to CIIFEN) and they will be attended as the requests arrive, reservations can also be made directly to the hotels. If there is not enough room in a selected hotel, the reservation will be immediately changed into another hotel corresponding to the same category. If it will be necessary to change the category as well we will contact you before. It is extremely important that we have your electronic mail to contact you immediately. We will do our best to satisfy your needs. Prices quoted are valid for 2004, and some might increase around 15% for next year. (Hotel list s. Annex)Conference Secretariat:
Building of the Universo Foundation.
Escobedo # 1204 y 9 de Octubre
Tel +5934 2514770
Fax +5934 2514771
Email: secretaria@ciifen-int.org
EGU Office
c/o Alexander von Humboldt
Max-Planck-Straße 13
D-37191 Katlenburg-Lindau
Tel: +49 (5556) 1440
Fax: +49 (5556) 4709
Email: egu@copernicus.org
September 2004J. L. Santos (CIIFEN), Director CIIFEN
P. Fabian (EGU), President EGU
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