Scientists' Contributions Environmental pollution and biodiversity
Ekaterina Batchvarova
Cover: Stork nests on the main highway of Sofia - The condition of storks is an indicator of the quality of the environment and of people's attitude toward nature. That is why the increase in the stork population is a sure indicator that the environment is less polluted here than elsewhere. Is this the case in Sofia? Hard to believe following the air pollution monitoring data, but who knows? May be we do not monitor what is important for the storks. Storks are not rare in Bulgaria, but nesting on a highway in a city with 1 million inhabitants is a curiosity. This made me search on the Internet for similar events. There I learned that storks came back in Britain after 600 years (I saw one there myself, but thought this is "normal" like it is in Bulgaria in the fields). Also, when looking at hundreds of them gathering for their overseatrip at the Black Sea side in the fields close to Burgas just before 20th of August, I had no idea that I will find out a week later that 200 storks died landing on a chemical dump in Israel. Here I present some information that is related to our studies - the effects of environmental pollution and other human activities.
WHITE STORK (Ciconia ciconia)
Description: White Storks are tall (1 m., 2.3-4.4 kg) long-necked wading birds with long bare red legs and a straight pointed red bill. The white plumage of the head, neck, and body contrasts with the black wing feathers highlighted with a sheen of purple and green iridescence. The contour feathers of the lower neck and chest are elongated to form a fluffy ruff that can be erected during courtship displays. A small patch of bare black skin surrounds their brown eyes. Sexes are similar in appearance, though males are slightly larger.
Though storks are considered to be largely silent birds, most species perform some variety of a bill-clattering display. This display reaches its most advanced form in the White Stork. They begin by throwing their heads straight back to create an amplifying resonance box in the gular pouch of the lower neck. As they clatter their upper and lower mandibles together rapidly they produce a loud machine-gun-like rattle that rises and falls in pace.
Distribution and Habitat: The European subspecies of the White Stork breeds in several discontinuous populations across much of Europe, the Middle East and west-central Asia. They are found in southern Portugal and western Spain; along the northern coast of Africa in Tunisia, Morocco, and Algeria; in The Netherlands and southern Denmark west to St. Petersburg and the Gulf of Finland, south to Turkey, northern Greece, the former Yugoslavia, and Azerbaijan. A very small population breeds in extreme southern Africa in Cape Province, South Africa.
Storks are large birds that rely heavily on energy efficient soaring flight during migration. Soaring requires the presence of thermal air currents that are not found over water. White Storks are therefore reluctant to fly across large bodies of water such as the Mediterranean Sea to reach their wintering grounds in tropical Africa. They solve this problem by having the bulk of the European population split into two distinct migratory routes. Western birds cross the Mediterranean at the Straits of Gibraltar, while most of the eastern birds cross the Bosporus and circle around the Mediterranean through the Middle East. Migration is highly synchronized and flocks contain as many as 11,000 individuals. Birds migrating from Denmark to South Africa and back again may cover a total distance of 20,000 km. Small numbers of birds cross the Mediterranean directly by flying south from the southern tips of Italy and Greece. Some western European White Storks join the Asiatic subspecies C. ciconia asiatica to winter in India.
Wintering birds may congregate in large numbers as they utilize a locally abundant food source such as locust or grasshopper swarms. One hundred thousand white storks were reported in one 25 km2 area in Tanzania during a severe infestation of army-worms. These wintering birds occupy dry savannahs and open grasslands but tend to congregate around lakes, ponds, and rivers.
Breeding: White Storks prefer lowland open habitats of wet pastures, flooded meadows, and shallow lakes and marshes with scattered trees for roosting and nesting. They have adapted to nest on man-made structures and forage in freshly plowed fields.
Diet: White Storks are highly opportunistic feeders who will consume a wide variety of prey items including insects, frogs, toads, tadpoles, fish, rodents, snakes, lizards, earthworms, mollusks, crustaceans, and, rarely, the chicks or eggs of ground-nesting birds. Foraging storks search for prey visually while walking deliberately with bill pointed toward the ground. When prey is spotted, they cock their necks back, then jab the bill forward to grasp their victim. Wintering birds in Africa will congregate around the edges of grass-fires to capture small prey fleeing the flames.
Reproduction: White Storks form loose informal colonies while breeding. Several pairs may nest closely together within sight and sound of one another while appearing completely oblivious to their neighbors. Nine pairs have shared one rooftop in Spain. Though storks form monogamous pairs for the duration of the breeding season, they do not migrate or over-winter together. If the same pair reforms in successive years it is largely due to their strong attachment to their nest site.
Males usually arrive at the nest-site first. A male will greet a newly arriving female with the Head-Shaking Crouch display, as he lowers himself on the nest into the incubating posture, erects his neck ruff and shakes his head from side to side. If the male accepts the new arrival as his mate they will cement their pair bond with an Up-Down display. In this display the birds hold their wings away from their sides and pump their heads up and down. This is often accompanied by bill-clattering. Shorter courtships may indicate that the male and female were paired in previous years.
Nests are huge, bulky affairs constructed of branches and sticks and lined with twigs, grasses, sod, rags, and paper. Though they may be reused year after year, breeding birds will add to the structure each season. Particularly old nests have grown to over 2 m in diameter and nearly 3 m in depth. Some nests have been in continuous use for hundreds of years. Both sexes participate in nest construction with the male bringing most of the material. Completion of the structure is often signaled by the addition of one leafy branch to the edge of the nest.
European Storks have been building their nests on man-made structures since the Middle Ages. They can be found on rooftops, towers, chimneys, telephone-poles, walls, haystacks, and specially constructed nest towers. Many homeowners will add embellishments such as wooden wagon wheels to old chimneys to encourage storks to nest on their houses. Nests can also be found in trees, on cliff-ledges, or occasionally on the ground. (The street lamps of Sofia seem to be attractive as well, see cover.)
The female usually lays 3-5 eggs, more rarely up to seven. Parents share incubation duties for 33-34 days. Young chicks are covered with white down and have black bills. Both parents feed the young on the nest until they fledge at 8-9 weeks of age. Fledglings may continue to return to the nest site each evening to beg for food from their parents. Young birds reach sexual maturity in their fourth year. Banding records indicate that wild birds can live and reproduce successfully past 30 years of age.
Conservation: The overall population of White Storks has declined steadily over the last half century. The decline in Western Europe has been the most pronounced. Pollution, pesticides and wetlands drainage have severely reduced suitable foraging habitat across the breeding range. Storks no longer breed in southern Sweden, Switzerland, western France, Belgium or southern Greece. In The Netherlands the number of breeding pairs has declined from 500 in 1910 to 5 in 1985. Denmark was home to 4000 pairs in 1890, but only 12 in 1989. Captive propagation and reintroduction efforts have been hampered by their tendency to produce overly tame birds, which over-winter in Europe without migrating normally.
The legend that the European White Stork brings babies is believed to have originated in northern Germany, perhaps because storks arrive on their breeding grounds nine months after midsummer. Northern Europeans of Teutonic ancestry encouraged storks to nest on their homes hoping they would bring fertility and prosperity. Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale "The Storks", you may find at
Though White Storks are protected by popular opinion over most of their range, they are persecuted in other areas. Large migrating flocks circling the western end of the Mediterranean are vulnerable to shooting in Syria and Lebanon, where several thousand are killed each year. They are also subject to hunting pressure in many parts of Africa, where their large size and tendency to flock in large numbers make them attractive targets. The great locust swarms of tropical Africa that provided sustenance for wintering birds have been largely reduced through modern pest control efforts. Drought in the Sahel and chronic overgrazing has also contributed to poorer wintering habitat and lower survival rates. Birds that do manage to arrive safely back in Europe are often in sub-optimal condition at the start of the crucial and demanding breeding season.
Conservation efforts that focus on the preservation of ecosystems and biodiversity seem to hold the most promise for halting the decline of this and other stork species.
History of storks in Europe: Several thousand years ago, when the end of last ice age was approaching and the habitat suitable for storks was expanding, the birds moved north from Africa, and presumably the Balkans and Iberian Peninsula, where they stayed during the ice age.
A few thousand years ago, when the great part of Europe was covered with dense forest, there were few storks here. They inhabited muddy surroundings of lakes, meadows and marshes in the valleys of big rivers. Once trees started to grow on these areas, birds moved on to look for a different meadow or river valley.
The situation changed when agriculture developed in Europe, forests were cut down and pastures and cultivation areas expanded significantly. In ancient Greece and Rome storks inhabited agricultural areas and built nests on top of buildings. In Western Europe great forests disappeared in early Middle Ages. In Poland the process took place between 12th and 16th century (at first in Silesia and Greater Poland, then in the north-east parts of the country). While the areas of meadows and pastures were getting larger and larger, more and more storks started coming to breed in Poland.
However, the times of prosperity for storks came to an end when human intervention in natural environment was no longer favourable for these birds. Draining meadows, river control, standardization and impoverishment of landscape linked with progressive industrialization deprived storks of attractive habitat areas.
The last stork nest in Great Britain was deserted in 1416. In that time the settlement started in Eastern Poland and Latvia. Storks moved eastward. This process continued for centuries. In 19th and 20th centuries storks began to leave western Europe. Within last 100 years storks have almost disappeared from northern France, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, western and southern Germany. During some seasons there was not a single stork in Sweden and Switzerland.
Nowadays, there are fewer than 10 breeding pairs in Holland (in 1958 there were 56 pairs, and in 1910 - 500 pairs), in Denmark there are 9 pairs (in 1890 there were 4 thousand pairs). Within last decades storks started to build their nests north-east from Sankt Petersburgh and in the vicinity of Moscow and Voronezh.
Stork in beliefs, culture and history: In ancient Greece, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Muslim countries of the Middle East and Morocco it was believed that storks incarnate the dead or humans undergoing some mysterious transformations. Greek philosopher Pithagoras (572-497 BCE) claimed that storks impersonate the souls of dead poets, while the historian Plutarch (45-125 AD) recorded the case of a man sentenced to death in Thessaly for killing a stork. This could be linked with the belief that stork is partly human.
In Arabic world popular is the conviction that storks incarnate the souls of dead Muslims, who did not managed to fulfill their duty of pilgrimage to Mekka. Thus they take this journey in the body of a bird. This is why Muslims feel great respect towards storks, and killing them is equal to killing a man.
However, this tradition of showing respect to storks leads to the story of anti-stork actions. When Greece was occupied by the Turkish Empire, the Turks introduced the law, which ordered to protect stork nests. Thus, unintentionally they made a stork a symbol of the occupant. When the uprising broke out in 1821, victorious Greeks in the acts of revenge got rid of stork nests. Not a single nest remained in Athens, Patras and Seres. The stork also appeared to be an anti-symbol in Ukraine. When the Bolshevic activists started to "modernize" the countryside, they destroyed stork nest, which they found a symbol of poverty and backwardness.
Storks had more luck in Moldavia, where thanks to a local legend they became a symbol of vine growers and wine producers. According to the legend, a stork saved the besieged fortress from defeat, when it brought the grapevines for the defenders. Once they ate the grapes they managed to ward off the enemy.
Inhabitants of different parts of Europe used to find stork a bird which brings luck, prosperity, bumper crop. For example, the Dutch name of the stork - ooievaar - comes from old German odobero - bringing luck (ode - luck, baren - bring). It is also believed that stork's nest placed on the roof protects the building from a clap of thunder. This superstition, however, was not confirmed by the facts - about 3 percent of stork nestlings are killed by a thunder. The most famous naturalist of the ancient Greece, Aristotle (384-322 BCE) was convinced that storks, that disappear somewhere in autumn, hibernate throughout winter. Later, it was also believed that smaller bird species travel to Africa on the back of the migrating storks.
Storks in Yorks - Rare birds nest after 600-year absence: On Thursday April 22, 2004, Martin Wainwright write about that in The Guardian: Cartwheels are being dusted down by bird enthusiasts after the discovery that two white storks are trying to nest in Britain for the first time in nearly 600 years.
Word has shot round the birdwatching community about sightings of the migrants mating and gathering sticks between housing estates and a Yorkshire motorway. known British nesting attempt since 1416. In that year, only months after Henry V's defeat of the French at the battle of Agincourt, storks successfully fledged chicks on St Giles' Cathedral in Edinburgh.
Familiar in eastern Europe, where cartwheels are fixed to telegraph poles and chimneys to encourage nests, storks are rare visitors to Britain. Usually blown off course, both the white and black varieties seldom notch up more than a handful of sightings every decade.
"They've aroused a lot interest in the area and we just hope that whatever they do, they won't be subject to disturbance," said John McLoughlin of the North East Birdline information service. "In Europe storks are regarded as good luck."
Storks are one of the biggest of Britain's exotic bird "vagrants", with long, gawky legs and sharp, extended bills. Most sightings are escapees from wildlife parks but the Yorkshire pair, which have settled in the Calder valley near Wakefield, have rings which indicate that they come from Europe.
"We aren't sure of their background yet but the rings suggest they may have originated from France, Switzerland or Italy," Mr McLoughlin said.
ISRAEL: August 25, 2004
JERUSALEM - Some 200 storks migrating from Europe to Africa flew to their deaths in Israel Monday, landing in an acid-filled pool of waste outside a chemical plant, veterinary officials said.
Media reports said the chemical dump, in the southern town of Dimona, is covered during the migration season to prevent such accidents but the storks made their stopover in Israel early this year.
A map of Stork migration (from
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