St. Petersburg June 9-11, 2004
Organized by The Russian Association ”Air Environment” (AE) and The International Society of the Built Environment (ISBE) the conference will be held in St. Petersburg during the famous White Nights.
Air is the most important factor of life on the planet. Maintaining the normal quality of the air is a requirement for comfortable and safe conditions of human existence, and maintenance of industry and agriculture and is related to a range of social, economic, technical, and political issues. Air pollution is caused mainly by technological waste emitted by various enterprises in the transport, industry and energy sectors. Air protection must aim first and foremost at reducing emissions of harmful substances into the air. A considerable amount of ventilation and technological emissions and the corresponding energy-related expenses dictate the necessity to develop a new policy in order to decrease these emissions as much as it is possible, thus making the work of ventilation and gas processing facilities more effective and economical. Improving the quality of the air is related to public health issues and thus becomes one of the most important problems of humankind.
The slogan of the Fourth International Conference «Air'2004» is:
"Air – Quality - Health."Objectives of the Conference
Modern approaches to atmospheric air quality demand drastic qualitative improvements as well as maintaining and restoring the quantity of the air. It is not sufficient to limit emissions and apply fines for violations. These measures do not help solve health hazard issues, and, most importantly, do not facilitate protection and maintenance of global air quality. Aspiring to improve the quality of the air, one should not stop after determining who is to blame and what is to be done. Current laws and international agreements must be attended to and continuously improved. These laws and agreements must provide for such measures that it would make it unprofitable for enterprises to pollute the air. As the planet gasps for fresh air, it is especially important to improve the quality of the air and activate oxygen generation. We believe that such solutions will help each person understand how important it is to save air resources and discover new methods aiming at sustaining air resources.The International Conference in St. Petersburg will discuss the following topics:
- Use of Air in Enterprises of the Energy Sector;
- Air Quality in Production Facilities and Organizations;
- Air Quality, Consumption, Maintenance, and Restoration;
- Public Health as Criterion of Environmental Quality
- Modern Methods and Means of Air Quality Control
- Maximum Permissible Concentrations and Risks Related to Polluted Air;
- Ventilation of Production Facilities, Buildings and Work Stations;
- Methods and Means of Protecting Air from Pollution;
- Economic Figures of Air Consumption and Air Quality Management
An exhibition will be synchronized with «Air'2004» conference. The exhibition will be attended by national and foreign companies. The scope of the exhibition will include: environment quality measurement tools, collective and individual protection means, air optimization systems in dwellings, administrative and industrial buildings (particularly in banks and other offices). The conditions of participation will be sent on receipt of each individual request.Languages:
The official languages of the conference are Russian and English. Simultaneous translation will be provided, with abstracts translated into Russian.Abstracts and Full Papers:
The abstract should not exceed 200-250 words in English. The Organizing Committee will provide abstract translations in Russian. Abstracts should contain last, (middle) and first name of the author(s), affiliation, and address. Please underline the name of the author who will deliver the presentation. The Organizing Committee will select papers for plenary and session presentation. Authors of selected are expected to prepare full papers in accordance with the requirements for subsequent publication. Camera-ready format will be sent out with acceptance notification.Submission:
- The deadline for submission of registration forms is January 01, 2004.
- The abstracts (maybe without preliminary registration) should be received no later that January 31, 2004.
- The full paper should reach the Organizing Committee before March 01,2004. The venue of the Conference will be announced in our second circulation.
Social Program:
A quite extensive social program will be provided for delegates and accompanying persons. It includes city tours, beautiful suburbs tours, visits to museums and theaters Delegates and accompanying persons will be welcomed at the President's Reception and Russian supper.Accommodation:
St. Petersburg is suitable for accommodation at 5 star-hotels or less standards (but modern and comfortable). The Organizing Committee would appreciate it if you would inform us in advance of accommodation needed. Currently, Scientific and Technical Committees are being formed.Conference secretariat:
Professor N. Z. Bitkolov, President of the Russian Association
"Air Environment", Research Institute for Industrial and Marine Medicine,
av. Yu. Gagarin, 65, St. Petersburg, 196143, Russia.
Phone: 7(812) 127-20-00; Fax: 7(812)126-75-83.
E-mail: bitkolov@vozduh.spb.ru, bitkolov@rol.ru
Until January 01, 2004 the registration fees are as follows:
By cheque By card Delegate £270 600 CHF Associations members and authors of accepted report £210 465 CHF Students and Post-graduates £130 290 CHF Thesis publication without Conference attendance £70 155 CHF Accompanying Person £100 220 CHF From January 01, 2004 to May 01, 2004 the registration fees will by raised by £15 (or 35 CHF) and after May 01, 2004 will by raised by £30 (or 45 CHF).
Cheques drawn on a UK bank in £ Sterling payable to ISBE should be sent to G.Leslie at 32A Mill Road, Buckden, Cambs. PE19 5SS, UK.For those who wish to pay by credit card the payment should be made in Swiss Francs (CHF) and for this we would need the form appended below and this should be signed and sent by fax or post to ISBE, Switzerland.
Registration Form:
I am planning to present a report entitled:
Full Name:
Telephone No:
Telefax No:
Email Address:
Signature of Applicant:
Amount to be Paid: .......CHF
Send to: Postfach 2 CH-4467 Rothenfluh Switzerland
Or Fax to:+41 619930992
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