Gudhjem, Bornholm, 24-28 May 2004
Scope and Themes of the Conference:
Scope and Themes of the Conference BALTEX is the European Continental-Scale Experiment(CSE) of the Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment (GEWEX) within the World Climate Research Programme. The Fourth BALTEX Study Conference will review research results related to water and energy cycles in the climate system of the entire Baltic Sea drainage basin and other GEWEX CSEs. It is envisaged as a communication platform for the research community, water resource managers and other stakeholders. The Conference will be divided into sessions with particular emphasis on
- Improved understanding of water and energy cycle processes using diagnostic studies, field
- experiments, remote sensing applications and numerical modelling;
- Trends and variability in the regional climate, water/energy cycles, and climate-water interactions during the past two centuries;
- Development and validation of advanced modelling tools for regional climate change scenario studies;
- Climate Change Projections and their consequence for water cycle components at river catchment scale during the 21st century;
- Applications for water resources managers with emphasis on extreme events and long-term changes including studies on air and water quality.
Invited and contributed papers will be presented in plenary along with parallel poster sessions. Conference language is English.
Publication of Papers:
A volume of abstracts will be published and made available at the Conference. A Conference volume of accepted and peer-reviewed papers will be published in a scientific journal after the Conference.Time Table:
Second announcement: October 2003
Abstract submission: January 2004
Hotel reservations: March 2004
Conference Location:
The Conference will be held in Gudhjem on Bornholm, which is Denmark’s only cliff-island. Bornholm is geographically located between Poland, Germany and the southern tip of Sweden, a total of just 587 km2, a coastline of 141 km and about 45.000 inhabitants. Gudhjem is a beautiful little fishing village at the northeast coast of Bornholm. The meeting venue will be organised at the Gudhjem Cinema in the centre of the town.As a major social event Conference participants will have the possibility to visit the small island of Christiansø located 20 km off the coast near Gudhjem. Christiansø is a beautifully preserved 17th century island fortress. Today the island is a cultural and environmental protected area. As part of BALTEX air-sea flux measurements and intensive radiosonde-studies were carried out at Christiansø during recent years which contributed significantly to the understanding of local and regional boundary-layer processes.
Hotel rooms at different hotels in Gudhjem are reserved for the Conference participants. All hotels are located within walking distance to the Conference venue. For those who are interested in bringing their families and in staying longer there are cottages available as well.Travel:
Travel to Rønne, the capital of Bornholm, is possible via aircraft from Copenhagen in Denmark and by ferries from Copenhagen, Ystad in Sweden and Sassnitz in Germany. Frequent public bus connections are maintained on Bornholm between Rønne and Gudhjem.Expression of Interest
If you are interested in receiving the second announcement and in attending the 4th Study Conference on BALTEX, either
- send an e-mail to: baltex@gkss.de, or
- fill in the registration form on the BALTEX homepage http://www.gkss.de/baltex/, or
- send the completed registration form as a fax to the BALTEX-Secretariat.
Registration form:
(to be faxed to Baltex-Secretariat +49 4152 871730)
Yes, I am interested in participating in the
4th Study Conference on BALTEX
Gudhjem, Bornholm, Denmark
24-28 May 2004name:
e-mail:O I would like to attend the Conference
O I would like to give a presentation at the Conference
O I would like to receive the second announcementConference committee:
Prof. Dr. Hartmut Graßl (chair),
Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, Hamburg; grassl@dkrz.deDr. Sven-Erik Gryning,
Risø National Laboratory; sven-erik.gryning@risoe.dkDr. Hans-Jörg Isemer,
GKSS Research Centre Geesthacht; isemer@gkss.deDr. Sirje Keevallik,
Tallinn Technical University; sirje.keevallik@ebs.eeDr. Andreas Lehmann,
Institute for Marine Research, Kiel; alehmann@ifm.uni-kiel.deProf. Dr. Anders Lindroth,
Lund University; anders.lindroth@natgeo.lu.seProf. Dr. Anders Omstedt (co-chair),
Göteborg University; anders.omstedt@gvc.gu.seProf. Dr. Dan Rosbjerg,
Technical University of Denmark; dr@er.dtu.dkDr. Markku Rummukainen,
Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, Norrköping; markku.rummukainen@smhi.seProf. Dr. Clemens Simmer,
Rhein. Friedrich-Wilhelms-University, Bonn; csimmer@uni-bonn.de
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