Future Events Second Announcement and Call for Papers for
Computational information technologies for environmental sciences - International Young Scientists School (March 13-19, 2005) and International Conference (March 20-23, 2005) at Akademgorodok, Novosibirsk, Russia
Siberian Center for Environment Research and Training (SCERT) together with the Institute for Numerical Mathematics RAS (INM), Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS (IMCES), Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics SB RAS (ICMMG) and the Institute of Computational Technologies SB RAS (ICT) with the support of EC INCO Programme and INTAS hold the eleven-days scientific educational action CITES-2005 comprising International Young Scientists School on computational information technologies for environmental sciences (March, 13-19) with the four-days International Conference devoted to the same theme(March, 20-23). During the School special attention will be paid to data assimilation and remote sensing of environment but other questions of computational and informational technologies usage in environmental sciences will be also touched.
During the first day of the school four general introductory lectures will be presented by leading specialists in the area, Members of Russian Academy of Sciences. Then three eight-hour special lecture courses will be delivered to school attendants. The course on data assimilation will be supported by 20 hours of practical training. The groups of 3-4 persons will be able to perform the allocated tasks on data assimilation on the basis of information and computational resources of the Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics SB RAS and those of the Siberian Center for Environment Research and Training. At the last school day each group will deliver a 15-minutes report on the results of their work to all school attendants.
The school attendees and Lecturers will take part in the International Conference whose audience will be enlarged by number of prominent scientists and decision-makers form NIS and European leading environmentally oriented research organizations. There they will be able to present their results and get new knowledge in the spheres of their interest. At the Conference several additional invited one-hour lectures of leading Russian and foreign specialists on modern problems of computational information technologies development and their application in environmental sciences will be delivered.
On finishing the event the school attendants are planned to receive certificates with the list of the courses taken and the assessment of results of the task performed.
The school will be sponsored by the Presidium of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Joint scientific council on mathematics and informatics of SB RAS and the INTAS Programme "Summer Schools". As a part of the scientific educational action CITES-2005 will be also partially supported by the EC grant ENVIROMIS-SSA (CT-2003-502246). This support should allow us to cover participation expanses of the selected School attendees.
The school co-directors are Vladimir Penenko (Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics SB RAS, Russia) and Aleksandr Baklanov (DMI, Denmark).
The School scientific program will be devoted mainly to two modern and quickly developing branches of informational computational technologies for environmental sciences: data assimilation and remote sensing.
During the first day four general introductory lectures will be presented by Members of Russian Academy of Sciences: ac. Valentin Dymnikov "Sustainability and predictability of large-scale atmospheric processes"; ac. Yuri Shokin "Modern computational technologies"; ac. Valery Bondur "Methods of remote sensing"; corresponding member Vasily Lykosov "Land data assimilation: an overview of problem".
Three eight-hour special lecture courses will be delivered: Prof. V. Penenko "Data assimilation and environmental modeling"; Prof. A. Baklanov "Meteorology-based pollutant transport modeling"; Profs. A. Chavro and A. Lagutin "Satellite remote sensing". The course on data assimilation will be supported by a 20-hour practical training under the supervision of specially prepared instructors, which will take place at the computer classes of the Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics and Institute of Computational Technologies SB RAS.
The Conference scientific program comprises the following sessions:
- Atmospheric observations databases. Organizer: Alexander Fazliev (faz@iao.ru)
- Physics of climate system. Organizer: Vasily Lykosov (lykossov@inm.ras.ru)
- Data assimilation in climate modeling and weather forecast. Organizer: Michael Tolstykh (tolstykh@inm.ras.ru)
- Basic and applied Computation-Informational Systems. Organiser: Evgueni Gordov (gordov@scert.ru)
- Urban and regional atmosphere: from modeling to monitoring and risk estimation. Organizer: Alexander Starchenko (starch@ctc.tsu.ru)
Also the following questions will be discussed in framework of these sessions: GIS: modeling and web- access; Local Area Network and web systems and portals for Environmental Sciences; Integrated information systems for environment assessment & management.
The scientific programme of the CITES Conference will include special invited lectures on key issues of informational and computational technologies and their application for environmental sciences delivered by internationally known specialists. Among currently confirmed lecturers are: Dr. G. Begni (MEDIAS, France), Prof. V. Bogolyubov (National Agricultural University, Ukraine), Prof. G. Erokhin (Ugra Research Institute of Information Technologies, Russia),RAS corresponding member A. Fedotov (Institute of Computational technologies SB RAS, Russia), academician A. Alekseev, RAS corresponding member B. Mikhailenko and RAS corresponding member G. Mikhailov ( all from Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics SB RAS, Russia), Dr. S. Nilsson (IIASA, Austria), Prof. G. Rivin (Institute of Computational Technologies SB RAS, Russia), Prof. V. Savinykh (MRICA&C, Russia), RAS corresponding member Vl. Voevodin (Moscow state University, Russia), Dr.Sci. E. Volodin (Institute for Numerical Mathematics, Russia), Prof. E. Zakarin (KazGeoKosmos, Kazakhstan), Marie Curie Chair Prof. S.Zilitinkevich (Helsinki University, Finland) and academician O. Vasiliev (Institute for Water and Environmental Problems, Russia).
The limited number of papers will be selected for oral presentation. Those who'd like to present an invited/oral paper, please, contact with relevant Session Chair/Organizer.
The scripts and the power point presentations of the lectures as well as School attendants' posters and papers will be published at the special School site in Internet. The special CD and printed proceedings will be also issued and distributed among participants.
The School and Conference will take place in the premises of the Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics SB RAS, Akademgorodok, Novosibirsk.
The school participants will be selected on the basis of the fulfilled questionnaires. The main criteria are the professional level of the participant, the number of his/her publications and his/her scientific adviser comments and recommendations. The criteria of professional level and less privileged NIS regions will be applied for possible support distribution.
Potential Conference participants, please, send your 1 page abstract and satellite information to:
Mrs. Yulia Gordova, Secretary of the Conference,
Siberian Center for Environment Research and Training,
10/3 Akademicheskii Ave., Tomsk, 634055, Russia
E-mail: cites2005@scert.ru or office@scert.ru
Tel.7 (3822) 492187, fax 7 (3822) 492537.Russian authors are kindly asked to submit both Russian and English versions! ABSTRACT DEADLINE: 15 November 2004
Please note that only limited number of papers will be presented as oral. As a rule contributed papers will get a status of poster presentation. Mainly, oral papers will be suggested by the Program Committee and delivered by Invited Speakers. Those who'd like to present an oral paper, please, contact with relevant Session Chair/Organizer.
Potential School attendees, please, additionally fill in and send your questionnaire to:
Mrs. Yulia Gordova, Secretary of the Conference,
Siberian Center for Environment Research and Training,
10/3 Akademicheskii Ave., Tomsk, 634055, Russia
E-mail: office@scert.ru
Tel.7 (3822) 492187, fax 7 (3822) 492537.Please note that the School is aimed at graduate and postgraduate students and recent PhD holders.
Registration fee:
Participant - 400 Euro;
Accompanying person - 100 Euro;
Ph.D. student - 100 Euro.The fee includes session admission, Program, Abstracts, Proceedings, welcome reception and coffee breaks.
To secure your participation in the Conference and to get a visa to Russia, please contact the Organizing Committee at least 1 month in advance.
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