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NATO Advanced Research Workshop

8 – 12 May 2004, Borovetz, Bulgaria

The NATO ARW on Advances in Air Pollution Modelling for Environmental Security was organized by Istvan Farago (Eotvos Lorand University, Budapest, Hungary) and Krassimir Georgiev (Institute for Parallel Processing of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria). This was an interdisciplinary workshop, where physicists, meteorologists, chemists, computer scientists and specialists in numerical analysis discussed different ways for improving the performance and the quality of the results of different air pollution models. The main objectives of this meeting were discussions on:

  1. improving the abilities of the air pollution models to calculate in real time reliable predictions of the pollution levels in a given domain by using adequate description of the physical and chemical processes;
  2. implementation of advanced numerical methods and algorithms in the models;
  3. efficient utilization of up-to-date computer architectures;
  4. development of mechanisms for studying particles (including here fine and ultra-fine particles), biogenic emissions, etc.;
  5. optimization techniques in the study of the pollution levels, etc.

The total number of the participants was 46 including 20 Key speakers from 18 NATO and eligible partner countries. During the ARW they discussed the following main topics:

The workshop conclusion was that much closer connections and more extensive exchange of information among the specialists working in environmental modelling, numerical analysis and computer science are required in the efforts to improve the performance of the existing large scale environmental models as well as in the efforts to develop new models which are both more efficient and more powerful.

Dr. Krassimir Georgiev,
Institute for Parallel Processing,
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences,
Acad. G. Bonchev str., Bl. 25-A,
1113 Sofia, BULGARIA

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