JOAO GOMES, Chem Eng, BSc, MSc, PhD
Contents of the document
Dispersion models describing the effect of sudden gas releases into the atmosphere are quite useful in the prediction of effects and analysis of the magnitude of industrial accidents, and therefore represent an important tool for risk analysis of industrial plants and installations.
This work describes some of the dispersion models currently used by ISQ in relation with this subject as well as some studied cases and industrial applications. The models used in these studies are numerical gaussian models approved by USEPA as part of the UNAMAP series.
1. Use of dispersion models
Since long the prediction of pollutants concentration has been estimated by empirical formulae or by numerical models. Dispersion phenomena in the atmosphere were studied by Pearson, Pasquill and Sutton (1) which formed the theoretical basis for a series of analytical expressions describing dispersion of pollutants that could be sequentially organised resulting thus in dispersion models. Some of these dispersion models are based on the transverse dispersion of the plume corresponding to the repartition of pollutant concentrations accordingly to a gaussian field and therefore are referred to as gaussian models. Following an axis defined by the source (the point where the pollutants are released to the atmosphere) and the wind direction, a field very close to the source where the concentration of pollutant is nil appears. From a very short distance, the concentration of pollutants suddenly rises quickly, reaches a peak and decreases afterwards with the distance from the source. Concerning the transversal dispersion a maximum of concentration is obtained within the axis referred before and a decay according another axis, usually, normal to the first one, following a Gauss curve.
The analytical expressions which form the solution of the dispersion equation allow the determination of the pollutant concentration in a point defined by the coordinates (x,y), and are related with the formula developed by Sutton (1) :
C(x,y) = 2Q / (CyCz2-nUn) exp((-1/x2-n) ((y2/Cy2) + (H2/Cz2)))
where Q is the volumetric flow rate of pollutants being released by the source ; H the effective height of source, comprising plume elevation; Un the mean velocity of release ; a parameter n for accounting turbulence and Cy and Cz as the coefficients for lateral and transversal dispersion, respectively.
In fact, these models are the solution of the dispersion equation using analytical or iterative techniques based on certain assumptions for the dispersion coefficients. Calculations are usually made considering different meteorological conditions and for effective concentrations on emission.
The use of these models is one of the less tedious and less expensive methods for predicting the concentration of pollutants released to the atmosphere by continuous or discontinuous processes. It is also a precise method, depending on model assumptions and considerations.
2. The segmented plume model
The Gaussian steady-state formula described before is valid during transport conditions in fairly stationary and homogeneous situations. In order to treat time-varying transport conditions and, especially, changes in wind direction, several authors (e.g. Hales at al. (2); Bankley and Bass (3); Chan et al. (4)) have developed and used segmented Gaussian plume models. In the segmented plume approach, the plume is broken up into independent elements (plume segments or sections) whose initial features and time dynamics are a function of time-varying emission conditions and the local time-varying meteorological conditions encountered by the plume elements along their motion. Segments are, in fact, sections of the Gaussian plume and each segment generates a concentration field that is still basically computed by the Gaussian equation presented before and that represents the contribution of the entire virtual plume passing through that segment. Therefore, only one segment (the closest) affects the concentration computation at each receptor, except that the occurrence of a 180o wind direction change can create a condition where the contribution of two segments, that is two virtual plumes, should be superimposed at some receptors.
3. Puff models
Puff models, such as the ones developed by Lamb (5) and Roberts (6), have, like segmented models, been developed to treat nonstationary emissions in non homogeneous dispersion conditions. Puff methods, however, have the additional advantage of being able, at least theoretically, to simulate calm or low wind conditions. The Gaussian puff model assumes that each pollutant emission of duration
t injects into the atmosphere a mass
M = Q
t, where Q is the time-varying emission rate. The center of the puff containing the mass
M is advected according to the local time-varying wind vector. If, at time t, the center of a puff is located at p(t)=(xp,yp,zp), then the concentration due to that puff at the receptor r=(xr,yr,zr) can be computed using the basic Gaussian puff formula:
which is often expanded to incorporate reflection and deposition/decay terms. It should be noted that the analytical integration of this equation in stationary, homogeneous transport conditions give the traditional plume formula. This equation requires the proper evaluation of the horizontal (
h) and vertical (
z) dynamics of each puff's growth. The total concentration in a receptor at time t is computed by adding the contribution
c from all existing puffs generated by all sources. Note that this last equation differs from the traditional Gaussian equation because an extra horizontal diffusion term has been substituted for the transport term, with the consequent disappearance of the wind speed u. In other words, in a puff model, the wind speed affects the concentration computation only by controlling the density of puffs in the region, that is, the lower the wind speed, the closer a puff is to next one generated by the next source. Therefore, at least in theory, a puff model can handle calm or low-wind conditions, and this approach represents the most advanced and powerful application of the Gaussian formula.
Several studies have discussed the puff modelling approach in detail, improving its application features. In particular, algorithms were proposed and evaluated for incorporated wind shear effects (7), virtual distance (8) and virtual distance (9).
4. Emission modelling of accidental spills
Puff models described before are currently used nowadays to estimate the concentrations resulting from accidental spills. The most important parameter in the simulation of accidental spills of hazardous materials is the "source" term, i.e., the quantitative evaluation of the dimension, rate and duration of the spill. Source emission models are divided then in five main groups according to the type of source and occurrence of physical phases, as follows:
- gas jet releases, generated from a small puncture in a pressurised pure gas pipeline or in the vapor space of a pressurised gas storage tank
- liquid jet releases
- two-phase jet releases
- flashing processes
- liquid pool evaporation (single and multicomponent)
Table 1 - List of some available source emission models Type of model Name of model Authors Evaporation model - Ille and Springer Evaporation model Army Whitacre Evaporation model Shell Spills Fleischer Evaporation model USAF ESL Clewell Evaporation model AWS AWS Evaporation model Illinois EPA Kelty Evaporation model - Stiver and McKay Evaporation model Monsanto Wu and Schroy Evaporation model - Shaw and Briscoe Jet model - Wilson Jet/evap. model CHARM Eltgroth Jet/evap. model Ontario MOE Moe Jet/evap. model AIRTOX Paine Jet/evap. model - Kunkel Jet/evap. model DENZ Fryer and Kaiser Jet/evap. model COBRA Alp 5. Computer systems for chemical emergency planning
In countries where a precise description of emergency plans are mandatory for obtaining industrial working permits such as the United States, puff models are currently used in order to evaluate these problems. The USEPA (1989) has identified the computer systems applicable to SARA Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986, i.e., those packages that are suitable for local planning and for assistance in emergency response planning such as hazard identification, vulnerability analysis through modelling of the releases, risk analysis and regulatory requirements. The main models used for simulation of accidental releases are summarised in Table 2.
Table 2 - List of computer models used for simulation of accidental releases according Sara Title III Acronym System name Author ARCHIE Aut. Resource for Chemical Hazard Incident Evaluation US Dept. of Transportation CAMEO II Comp. Aided Management of Emergency Operations US Dept. of Commerce CARE Comp. Airborne Release Evaluation Env. Systems Corp. CHARM Complex Hazardous Air Relesase Model Radian Corp. MESOCHEM Chemical Atmospheric and Hazard Assessment System Impell Corp. MIDAS Meteorological Inf. and Dispersion Assessment System Pickard, Lowe and Garrick Inc. TECJET Advanced Jet Dispersion Model Technica International TRACE II Toxic Release Analysis of Chemical Emissions Safer Emergency Systems Inc. WHAZAN World Bank Hazard Analysis Technica International 6. References
- 1. Pasquill, F. (1962) Atmospheric Diffusion, Van Nostrand Co. Ltd., London
- 2. Hales, J.M., Powell, D.C. and Fox, T.D.(1977) STRAM - An air pollution model incorporating non-linear chemistry, USEPA Doc. 450/3-77-012, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina
- 3. Benkley, C.W., Bass, A. (1979) Development of mesoscale air quality simulation models, USEPA Doc. 600/7-79-XXX, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina
- 4. Chan, M.W., Tombach, I.H. (1978) AVACTA - Air pollution model for complex terrain applications, AeroVironment Inc., Monrovia, California
- 5. Lamb, R.G. (1969) An air pollution model of Los Angeles, University of California, Los Angeles
- 6. Roberts, J.J., Croke, E.S., Kennedy, A.S. (1970) An urban atmospheric dispersion model, Air Pollution Control Office Publication AP-86, California
- 7. Sheih, C.M. (1978) A puff pollutant dispersion model with wind shear and dynamic plume rise, Atmospheric Environment, 12, pp. 1933
- 8. Ludwig, F.L., Gasiorek, L.S., Ruff, R.E. (1977) Simplification of a gaussian puff model for real-time minicomputer use, Atmospheric Environment, 11, pp. 431
- 9. Zannetti, P. (1981) An improved puff algorithm for plume dispersion simulation, Journal of Applied Meteorology, 20(10), pp. 1203
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