Scientists' Contributions
Table 2: Local Authorities Intending to Proceed to Stage 2/3 Following Completion of Stage 1, Specified by Pollutant (as of December 2001) Country Total for
1 or morePollutants to be taken to Stage 2/3 CO Benz 1,3-but Pb NO2 PM10 SO2 All 7* England
(exc. London)291 174
(9%)London 33 27
(79%)- Scotland 21 5
(5%)Wales 20 6
(5%)N. Ireland 22 6
(14%)- 2
(95%)- Total 387 218 97 47 124 376 370 282 29
* The numbers within this column are also included in the individual pollutant columns.
Note: These are the intentions as set out by the Local Authority. They may not tally with the final outcome, as a Local Authority may revise its intended actions in the light of changed circumstances and new information. Alternatively, Government may require that a local authority carries out further work.
Scientists' Contributions
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