Jobs and PhD Positions Post-doc position at the Laboratoire de Mecanique des Fluides, Ecole Centrale de Nantes:
Very fine resolution numerical study of the atmospheric flow deformation by a small valley
The study is one component of a programme aiming at characterising the micro-meteorology and sound propagation from highways in complex terrain. The meteorology part of the programme aims at describing with a very fine spatial resolution the wind, turbulence and temperature fields in the lowest levels (between 0 and 200 m) of non-flat sites, as a function of the local main meteorological conditions. The method must be tested by comparison with the micro-meteorology measurements of a permanent experimental site within a small valley, about 50 m deep and 1 km wide, crossed by a freeway viaduct.
The method consists in numerical simulation with the atmospheric boundary layer LES model SUBMESO, with nested grids from a regional domain to a very fine-mesh limited-size domain. Series of comparative simulations will be driven, over an idealised terrain and over the real valley terrain, for the most crucial conditions as concerns sound propagation from the freeway (as analysed with the other groups co-operating in the programme). Orographic influences such as flow canalisation and alterations of the vertical profiles of temperature and turbulent intensity will be quantified and introduced in an ad-hoc operational model suitable for the sound propagation models. Finally, the porosity-drag approach will be tested to model the flow within plant canopies and to evaluate the influence of the areas covered with bushes and trees on the flow structure.
The position is within the research group in lower atmospheric dynamics, Division Energetics & Environment of the Laboratoire de Mecanique des Fluides, a shared unit of CNRS and the Ecole Centrale de Nantes. The study will be conducted with Dr. Isabelle Calmet, and supervised by Dr. Patrice Mestayer.
The position is exclusively open to non-French young scientists, less than 35 years old, with a doctorate and a serious experience in the numerical simulation of the atmospheric boundary layer and small scale atmospheric flows. The position is for 11 months, starting during the early fall 2002. The net salary is about 1700 Euros per month.
The application must be sent before May 1rst, by electronic mail, with a detailed scientific vita (curriculum vitae). The application must include the date and place of birth, the date, place, and title of the doctoral thesis, the name of the laboratory of origin, if the applicant has a permanent position in the original country and/or will get one after the end of the post-doc, and the detailed list of publications.
The contact is:
Equipe Dynamique de l'Atmosphere Habitee
Division Energetique & Environnement
Laboratoire de Mecanique des Fluides, UMR 6598 CNRS-ECN,
Ecole Centrale de Nantes, B.P. 92101,
F-44321 NANTES Cedex 3, France
Tel: +33 (0)240 37 16 78
Fax: +33 (0)240 74 74 06
Jobs and PhD Positions
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