Future Events Particles in the size range of 2.5 to 10 microns in urban areas
Workshop in support of the Clean Air for Europe (CAFE) programme of DG ENV to be held in Berlin, Germany, November 4-6, 2002
Supported by the European Association of the Science of Air Pollution, EURASAP and the Society for Atmospheric Environmental Research, GeFU e.V.
Organised by the Free University Berlin and the Brandenburg Technical Unversity, Cottbus
Epidemiological studies have indicated a relationship between health effects and exposure to inhalable particles in the size range up to 10µm, PM10. This has led to the setting of air quality standards to limit such exposure, which are proving difficult to attain in many European cities. Emission inventories for primary particulates mainly represent the finer fraction below 2.5µm, PM2.5, coming from sources such as vehicle exhausts.
Whereas measurements often indicate a substantial proportion of PM10 in the 2.5 to 10µm range, in particular in urban areas, which can be traced back to non-exhaust emissions by traffic, like resuspension of road dust and abrasion of tyres and road surface material.
This fraction and its origins are poorly understood or quantified. Yet they are clearly important in the context of attaining the PM10 standards as they may require different abatement strategies with more non-technical measures, which are difficult to implement especially in the transport sector. This is of particular relevance to authorities in cities where PM10 concentrations are in excess of the PM10-standards. They are to devise abatement plans and, hence, need to know which sectors contribute most to local PM10 pollution.
Furthermore the European Commission, in its "Clean Air for Europe (CAFE) Programme" has identified PM-pollution as the major issue and underlined the need for further scientific information as an input for the forthcoming review of European air quality standards and legislation.
The aim of this workshop is to bring together experience from different countries in addressing the coarser particulate component in order to support development of strategies to control PM10 and to help improving the knowledge base necessary for the process of revising the European PM-standards within CAFE.
The workshop will comprise an introductory session followed by specific sessions on each of the following topics:
- Measurements (sampling, component analysis)
- Identifying and quantifying sources,
- calculation of emissions (incl. resuspension and natural sources)
- modelling (in particular urban and street canyon scale)
- potential abatement measures and experience in implementation
Participants will be invited to join working groups which are asked to develop conclusive papers on the aforementioned topics due for presentation and discussion in the plenary session.
The workshop will be held in Berlin at the Free University on November 4-6, 2002. International organizing committee: Helen ApSimon, Peter Builtjes, Martin Lutz, Detlev Moller, Eberhard Reimer.
Reception and poster session is on Monday night. Tuesday night a typical Berlin pub evening is planned.
On Wednesday, November 6, between 09:00 and 12:00 parallel working groups sessions are planned to draft conclusions and recommendations on the essential topics.
All participants pay 100 ˆ fee.Limited funding of travel expenses (accommodation and per-diem) is possible for participants from accession countries and countries in transition who plan to give an oral or poster presentation. Programme and 2nd circular will be distributed end of September.
Call for Papers
There are selected invited papers. Titles of 15-min oral contributions and poster presentations (indicate your preference) should be send to E. Reimer (FU Berlin, fax: ..49/30/85939095, email: trumf@zedat.fu-berlin.de) before end of August.
Please return the following if you are interested to attend
I am interested in attending the Berlin workshop on Particles in the size range of 2.5 to 10 microns in urban areas to be held in Berlin, Germany, November 4-6, 2002
I would like to contibute aPaper
and attach a short abstract (~300 words):
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Future Events
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