Future Events EuroBionet2002
Conference on Urban Air Pollution, Bioindication and Environmental Awareness
5-6 November, 2002
University of Hohenheim, 70593 Stuttgart, GermanyFirst Circular, Call for Papers, Preliminary Registration
EuroBionet is a network of local governments and research institutes from 12 cities and regions in eight member states of the European Union. The project is backed by the LIFE Environment Programme of the European Commission and coordinated by the University of Hohenheim. Using highly standardised bioindication methods, the air quality in urban agglomerations is being assessed and evaluated at meanwhile more than 100 sites between Scotland and Greece. With the aid of a professional communication concept, bioindicator plants are successfully being used as sort of "green ambassadors" for publicity campaigns and environmental education by local authorities and schools.
In March 2001, more than 100 representatives of universities and research institutes, public authorities, municipal administration and private enterprises from 13 countries in Europe and South America met for a first balance on the occasion of the Third Hohenheim Workshop on Bioindication at the Power Plant Altbach/Deizisau. The complete workshop proceedings and CD-ROM have recently been published.
Today we would like to invite you to join the final conference of the EuroBionet project on 5 - 6 November, 2002, at the University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart (Germany). This meeting addresses scientists, decision makers and representatives from local governments, public authorities and private enterprises. Invited lectures, short presentations as well as poster contributions shall discuss topics like "Urban Air Quality and Bioindicator Plants", "Sustainable Mobility" and "Environmental Awareness, Education and Public Relations". Thus we want to promote an exchange of know-how and experience between different projects and programmes. This may also help to review the potential of effect-related methods like biomonitoring in European environmental policy and air quality control.
You are kindly encouraged to contribute to the meeting by a paper or a poster presentation.
The conference will be held at the Euro-Forum of the University of Hohenheim on 5 and 6 November 2002
The registration fee will be 50 ˆ including conference meals and abstract book. The deadline for the payment of the registration fee and bank details will be given in the 2nd Circular.
Registration by mail, fax, e-mail and shortly also online.
Abstracts Book
(for details see 2nd Circular)The Second Circular will contain information on abstract submission and registration payment as well as the preliminary programme.
Preliminary Registration: 15 June, 2002
Second Circular: 30 June, 2002
Submission of Abstracts: 30 July, 2002
Final Programme: 15 September, 2002Contact/Information:
Dr. Andreas Klumpp
Landscape and Plant Ecology (320)
University of Hohenheim
D-70593 Stuttgart
Tel.: +49-711-4593043
Fax: +49-711-4593044
http://www.eurobionet.comApplication Form
Send to:
Dr. Andreas Klumpp
Institute for Landscape and Plant Ecology (320)
University of Hohenheim
D 70593 Stuttgart
First Name:
Last Name:
Institution and Address:
e-mail:I wish to attend the conference
I intend to contribute witha poster
an oral presentation
Provisional title of my contribution:
Future Events
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