Dear EURASAP members
Recently, in connection with the EUROTRAC-2 Symposium in Garmish-Partenkirhen, the annual EURASAP Committee meeting was held.
The links and collaboration of EURASAP with other international organizations and particularly EUROTRAC-2 were strongly confirmed.
There are about 500 EURASAP members now and half of them from the UK.
The EURASAP Committee now covers 17 countries in Europe. The presidency and three committee members from the UK reflect the start of the Association and the great number of the members from the UK.
In order to keep high activity level and stream of new ideas there is action every 2 years to elect new or reelect committee members. The last nomination was announced in June 2002 (EURASAP Newsletter issue 38) and lasted to the end of the year 2000. The result was the co-option of several new committee members (see EURASAP Newsletter issues 42 and 43). The election of the present committee will be announced later this year.
The EURASAP Committee
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