Institute of Global Climate and Ecology,
Glebovskaya str., 20B, 107258 MOSCOW, RUSSIA
Contents of the document
Amongst thousands of anthropogenic factors that may affect terrestrial ecosystems there are few of large-scale ones, i .e. acting on the regional, continental or global scene. Changes in atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2), ozone (O3), sulphur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx, i.e. NO and NO2) are of the major interest with this regard. While elevated CO2 leads to a certain increase in plant growth and productivity, enrichment of the atmosphere with O3 and SO2 causes significant inhibition of these functions. NO and NO2 have no direct (i.e. through penetration via stomata) effect on terrestrial plants at contemporary regional to global levels. However, they are important as chemical precursors of ozone as well as the agents leading to acidification and nitrogen fertilisation of soils. Both latter factors potentially affect terrestrial plants. In addition to the above, changes in climate, especially in temperature, precipitation, and ground-level flux of solar radiation form another group of factors that can seriously affect terrestrial plant species and communities.
Potentially factors of both groups can substantially alter structure (species composition) and function (productivity) of natural terrestrial ecosystems as well as affect production of agricultural crops and wood. Therefore, large-scale air pollution and climate change effects on terrestrial plants was one of the major focus of monitoring, research and assessment activities in the last decades of XX century. An interest to these issues is becoming even higher nowadays due to increased understanding of importance of combined effects of the above factors in view of projected climate change in XXI century.
This interest is especially serious in Russia, because there are vast territories at which trends in air pollution of regional to global scale as well as global climate change are the major impacts to which natural as well as artificial plant communities are exposed. In response to increasing necessity for investigation of these issues, monitoring, research synthesis and assessment activities have been initiated in 1970th within Hydrometeorological Service by Professor Yuri Izrael (Head of the agency that time). Namely, a core research group was established in Moscow at the Institute of Applied Geophysics (IAG) in 1974. The main task of the group was to provide scientific support for monitoring and assessment activity in the field of large-scale air pollution and climate change impact on terrestrial ecosystems and, especially, plant communities. This group was initially headed by the late Dr. L. M. Filippova. Since 1985 and to present Professor S. M. Semenov leads the group. Due to administrative reorganisations, the group moved from IAG to Laboratory of Environment and Climate Monitoring (LAM) in 1979 and then to the Institute of Global Climate and Ecology (IGCE) in 1991. Parent agencies of LAM and IGCE are Hydrometeorological Service1 and Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) The group constitutes now Terrestrial Ecology and Bioclimatology Department of IGCE.
This paper is devoted to brief description of activity in Russia aiming at monitoring and assessment of impacts of large-scale air pollution and climate change on terrestrial plant communities. This activity includes the projects directly conducted at the IGCE as well as projects conducted at co-operating institutions under Russian Academy of Sciences and some other agencies formally or informally contributing to this work. IGCE has no formal co-ordination function, i. e. the projects are implemented autonomously and have their own goals. However, integration of information and its analysis from the perspective of large-scale impacts of air pollution and climate change on terrestrial ecosystems are performed mostly at the IGCE. High level of mutual understanding of the groups carrying out the projects makes possible efficient co-operation (mainly informal) and exchange of information.
It should be mentioned that the results are not aimed only to description of a situation in Russia. They relate partly the situation in adjacent countries and some other countries as well. This activity is currently being maintained in Russia despite of contemporary difficult economic circumstances in the country. The main goal of this paper is to present philosophy and major components of the work, and to give a brief overview of ongoing activities and the prospects.
Concerns of scientists, public and, hence, policymakers on changes in state of the environment and climate have resulted first of all in increasing demand for reliable information on existing and future trends. Such information is produced through MONITORING, RESEARCH SYNTHESIS, and ASSESSMENT activities. In all of them MODELLING plays an important role.
MONITORING programmes produce long-term series of data over spatial networks of observational stations (a synonym to a "site"). These data could be both of abiotic nature (emission rates or concentrations of certain substances, temperature or precipitation, depth or acidity of snow cover, etc.) and biotic nature (phenological dates, occurrence and abundance of indicator species, crop yields, tree growth rates, etc.). Some types of environmental variable is very difficult or/and expensive to measure in the field, however they can be calculated with models from other monitoring variables which are easier to measure. For instance, EMEP2 programme produces, in particular, seasonal and yearly means of sulphur and nitrogen atmospheric deposition over 50x50 km grid in Europe through model calculations using routine monitoring data on emissions by countries. It is typical example of secondary monitoring product, i. e. obtained through calculations from the measured values. The final information product of any monitoring activity is a field of certain environmental variable (biotic or abiotic), i. e. the current value of an environmental or climatic variable as depended on latitude, longitude and altitude, as well as statistical characteristics of this field allowing comparison of such fields in space and time. Such a field can be produced either through extrapolation of primary monitoring data over geographical space or through conversion of another observed field with models. Sometimes the primary information can be obtained also from publications or reports from large-scale research projects.
Results of some experimental research projects as well as of monitoring programmes often contain so called cause-response data. These data characterise species response to a certain change in long-term (chronic) air pollution level or change in climate. Searching such data through scientific publications, organising them into databases and further synthesising them using models constitute RESEARCH SYNTHESIS. Its main information products are so called cause-response relationships, i. e. simplest mathematical data-based models that can convert a given long-term change in a level of air pollution or in climatic variable into species response. Different variables can be employed in characterising the response. However, usually net photosynthetic rate, net primary production or biomass growth rate are applied. The usage of such information products, namely cause-response models, is very wide. In between, they can be directly used in large-scale assessments for converting a perturbation of a field of certain abiotic variable (gas concentrations in the surface layer of the atmosphere, surface temperature, etc.) into respective changes in productivity (e.g., in crop yield or wood production). On the other hand, they are very efficient in quantifying sensitivity of plant species to a given factor as well as for comparative analysis of sensitivity of species from a certain group, for instance, serial crops, lichens, etc.
ASSESSMENT is the final stage of any activity aiming at delivering environmental information produced by monitoring and, partly, research programmes to consumers. The main goal of this stage is to convert environment and climatic information into specific format usable for managers and understandable for public, and, therefore, applicable in decision-making process as well as in informing the public. Typical information products at this stage are maps characterising distribution of priority biotic and abiotic environmental and climatic variables over space, their averages over globe, continents, countries and provinces, as well as their trends in time. Such distribution may describe the current situation, or a situation may emerge in accordance with some scenario. The ultimate goal of such assessments is to evaluate whether the observed or projected tendencies are dangerous or favourable for human health, life-supporting systems of humans, and ecosystem health.
Monitoring activities
A large-scale monitoring activity with respect to terrestrial ecosystems, especially in Russia having so vast territory and currently the economy in transition, should consist of very few priority items to be realistic. Therefore, data related to large-scale air pollution and climate change impacts on terrestrial ecosystems collecting by IGCE itself or providing by co-operating institutions are limited to three major types of biotic variables, namely, lichenological, phenological and dendrochronological ones.
Lichen monitoring. It is widely accepted that epiphytic lichens are very sensitive to an increase in long-term air pollution and climate change. They serve as "early warning" detectors of such changes in a state of the environment and climate. Epiphytic lichen monitoring programme is in operation since 1978. A network for this type of measurements is based mainly on a system of Russian nature reserves, i. e. any lichen monitoring site is located within a reserve. These areas are usually located far from pollution sources, and status of nature reserve minimises influence of such anthropogenic factors, as land use, forestry, construction, etc. Major information products of lichen monitoring are quantitative estimates of occurrence and cover of lichen species characterising a given site at a year when survey was made. These values may further be subjected to an assessment procedure, in particular, aiming at detection of a trend in time at a given site, or at comparison of sites with respect to lichen species abundance and cover. IGCE is fully responsible for this activity in Russia.
Epiphytic lichen sampling procedure consists of selection of sample plots within a site, selection of model trees within plots, and lichen measurement on trunks of the trees selected (Insarov, 2001). Sample plots at a site (7-50 in practice) and model trees at each sample plot (4-10 in practice) are selected evenly within as much narrow stratum as possible with respect to substrate (tree species), tree age and/or size, as well as altitude, slope, aspect, shading and moisture conditions. This allows us to reduce uncertainty of over-site averages quantifying a state of lichen community. A distance between trees should be considerably less than distance between plots. Forest edges and maritime situations are to be avoided. Trees are to be selected with no a priori information on lichen presence and abundance on their trunks. They should have near vertical trunks and have no severe visible damages of bark or crown. To exclude effects of tree age, further surveys at the same site are to be conducted within the same stratum, in particular, on trees of nearly the same age/size as model trees selected for the first survey. Thus, model trees to select for the next survey should be as a rule different from those used in the previous ones to fit the latter requirements. Cover of a lichen species at a given tree is quantified as total length of the species thalli intersections with measuring tape placed around the tree trunk at 1.5m height from the tree base (1.0 or 0.5m can be used for phorophytes with numerous dry snags). This is a major variable for further processing.
Lichen thalli unidentified to species in the field are collected for further identification in the lab. Computer-aided multi-access keys for lichen identification are elaborated for a number of reserves, see, for instance, (Insarov et al., 1997). The keys allow non-lichenologists to identify common lichens in the on-line mode. They also allow to identify specimens lacked some characters which presence is compulsory for traditional identification procedure using dichotomous keys. Lichen monitoring data are stored in special database (Zeltyn, Insarov, 1993). Data quality assurance as well as data export into format needed for future calculations are available.
Since 1978, initial lichenological surveys have been undertaken at 28 nature reserves in Russia and adjacent countries on the territory of former Soviet Union, see (Insarov, Pchiolkin, 1990) and future references there. Region list includes European part of Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Caucasus, Central Asia, Siberia, Russian Far East, including Kamchatka peninsula and Kurile Islands. Typical size of nature reserve area is 50 - 100 km2. Total number of sample plots surveyed is over 600, total number of model trees belonging to 42 species is over 4,500. Total number of lichen species recorded is over 500. Beside, a number of surveys have been undertaken in Sweden, Portugal and Israel; in the last case epilithic lichens have been surveyed.
Phenological monitoring. First observational network was established under Russian Geographical Society in 1885. This type of observations occurred of significant importance nowadays in connection with air pollution and climate change issues. The beginning and ending of vegetative period (synonym to "growing season" for plants) can be considered as limits of a period of plant exposure to air pollution. On the other hand, well-known dependence of these phenological dates on within year course of climatic variables (predominantly of surface air temperature) makes the dates valuable indicators of climate change. Primary large-scale phenological data on natural vegetation originates from monitoring activity both of state institutions and the volunteers. Forest Experiment Stations routinely collected the data on the annual basis and reported them to the All-Russia Research Institute of Forestry and Mechanisation (Pushkino, Moscow Province). Staff of nature reserves was and still is yearly reporting phenological data to the All-Russia Research Institute of Nature Protection (Moscow). This activity is under Ministry of Nature Resources of Russia. The data are stored in respective institutions. However, majority of phenological data is resulted from activity of the volunteers and/or recorded during biological field training of schoolchildren. These data are then sent to the Phenological Centres where data are stored and processed. There are two centres working under the patronage of Russian Geographical Society, namely, in Moscow, within the IGCE, and in St. Petersburg, within the V. L. Komarov Botanical Institute (BIN, under RAS).
Methodologies for phenological observations have been comprehensively developed in 1970th, and their modern versions are also available, see, for instance, (Bulygin, 1974, 1976; Elagin, 1975; Bulygin, Yarmishko, 2000). Although the phenological network in Russia has been notably declined during last decade due to economical situation in the country, it still consists of several hundreds of sites. Their spatial distribution is not even, most of them are located within European Russia. Dozens of phenological dates are monitored over the network on the annual basis. However, the most universal amongst easily observed ones with respect both to plant response to large-scale air pollution and climate change, appear two of them, namely, leave development (emerging) in spring and leave colouring in autumn in deciduous trees. The analogues dates in conifers limiting the growing season are observed rarely. The dates associated with a given site and a certain year are the major information products of this section. Since 1999 the IGCE has been developing phenological database on natural vegetation containing, in particular, the dates on trees of the following genera: Acer, Aesculus, Alnus, Armeniaca, Berberis, Betula, Carpinus, Cerasus, Corylus, Fagus, Larix, Malus, Padus, Picea, Populus, Prunus, Robinia, Quercus, Salix, Sorbus, Tilia, Ulmus.
Dendrochronological monitoring. The major dendrochronological information products of this section are series of annual tree size increments (e. g., radial increments, tree height or branch length increments). Such series reflects all kind of changes in the environment and climate in the integrated manner, and, therefore, serve as biological indicator of the combined effects. It contains information both on long-term trends and inter-annual variations.
Amongst dendrochronological observations the most known and widely performed in Russia are tree ring measurements. This work on the large scale was and is mainly carried out by research institutes of RAS. V. N. Sukachev Institute of Forest (Krasnoyarsk) and Institute of Plant and Animal Ecology (Ekaterinburg) are concentrated mainly on measurements at Siberian sites and within Ural region, respectively. V. L. Komarov Botanical Institute of RAS (St. Petersburg) mainly deals with dendrochronological studies at the forest/tundra ecotone and upper edges of forest zone in the mountains. Till 1991 Botanical Garden of Lithuanian Academy of Sciences (Kaunas) has been conducting tree rings studies over European part of the USSR. Dendrochronological data are stored at these institutions at their own databases. However, developing the All-Russia Dendrochronological Data Bank has been recently started at V. N. Sukachev Institute of Forest (RAS) in Krasnoyarsk.
It should be emphasised that the above mentioned institutions pursue mostly their own academic goals, namely, to update the fundamental knowledge, and to develop and improve methodologies (Bitvinskas, 1974; Vaganov et al., 1996; Lovelius, 1997; Vaganov, Shashkin, 2000). However, large-scale data on tree rings series obtained in these studies are very valuable monitoring products as well. Tree species mainly used for tree ring measurements are Larix sibirica, Larix gmelinii, Larix cajanderi, Pinus sylvestris, Pinus sibirica, Picea obovata. A network for dendrochronological measurements in Ural region, Siberia and Far East already contains several hundreds of sites (Vaganov et al., 1996) and tends to expanding. According to methodological requirements samples from about 15-25 trees of the same species have been taken at each site using the increment borer. These trees should be under similar growth conditions and represent different age groups of trees, namely, old, middle-age, and young. The samples are further processed in lab using tree-ring scanners and special computer programmes dating tree rings and producing verified tree-ring series.
In addition to traditional dendrochronological activity described above a new one has been initiated by IGCE in 2000. It is aimed at measuring annual linear increments of trees, i. e., increments of stem height and branch length. As in the case of epiphytic lichens (see above), each monitoring site is located within a nature reserve and represents a certain stratum with respect to tree life conditions. The juvenile trees of Pinus sylvestris of 2-2.5m height are used for such measurements. Twenty to fifty sample plots are selected within the site as evenly as possible. Three to ten trees of different age/size with no visible damage from animals (insects, elks, etc.) are selected within each plot in a random manner. The sample plots are not to be permanent, i. e. the plots to use in future surveys of the same site should be within the same stratum, but selected independently of selections made in previous surveys. Annual segments of stem and of three branches of each selected tree are measured starting from the most recent one till the last one reliably distinguished. The branches should be of the first order and of the same direction (for instance, south direction), and represent the upper, middle and lower parts of the crown. All three branches are to be alive (growing), and the age of the upper one is to be 5 years or more. The major characteristics of the site and the results of measurements are documented.
This type of dendrochronological observations was decided to start, because such data appears the most informative for short- to middle-term assessments, namely, for periods of 5-25 years, due to the following reasons. Twig growth is more directly affected by a change in chemical composition of surface layer of the atmosphere and climate than radial tree growth and, therefore, twig response has more chances to be early detected. Such measurements are simple, enough precise, do not require complex equipment, and can be carried out by trained technicians of monitoring stations or expeditions. And last, but not least reason is that the increment borer damages to a certain extent last 5 tree rings that might be of particular interest in short- to middle-term assessments. Such type of measurements was named "horpexometry" (Koukhta, 2001; Koukhta, Semenov, 2002), since the Greek "horpex" in English means a "twig". The basic surveys of this type were accomplished by IGCE expedition in 2000-2001 at monitoring sites located in Kandalaksha State Reserve (North of European Russia, White Sea region), Pechoro-Ilych State Reserve (North-East of European Russia), Prioksko-Terrasny State Reserve (Moscow Province) and Central-Forest State Reserve (central Russia, approximately at the midway from Moscow to St. Petersburg). A database containing the data has been developed and is being maintained at IGCE.
Research synthesis
Two examples of research syntheses will be described in this section. Both relate to an estimation of sensitivity of species or groups of species to a change in chemical composition of the atmosphere, in particular, in a level of air pollution. The second one also relates to climatic effects. The organisms to consider are the higher plants (trees, crops) and epiphytic lichens.
Sensitivity of higher plants. In the last quarter of XX century a chamber experiment technique (using close chambers, open-top chambers, etc.) has been widely employed in studies of the effects of various agents (e. g., CO2, O3, SO2) on higher plant growth. A typical experiment with an agent was conducted under controlled conditions, i. e. all environmental variables except concentration of the agent were kept constant or had the similar course over exposure period in all treatments of a series, while concentration of the agent was specific in each treatment. Such concentrations of the agent were maintained in chambers several days a week over a part of day, and the schedule was common for all treatments of the series. Seedlings or small plants were exposed to the agent from a certain day after emerging (planting). Plant biomass or biomass of its parts (leaves, root, stem etc.) or yield were measured and documented several times during the experiment. Sometimes, other conditions (light, soil, watering, etc.) were also recorded. Height was also often employed in characterising experimental tree growth. Measurements could be continued, in particular, after finishing a treatment. Such cause-response data have been obtained in various experiment research projects conducted in many countries (mostly in USA and of Western Europe) in the last quarter of XX century. The data have been searched through world scientific literature and collected at IGCE. They are stored in special database and subjected to further processing with statistical means. Trees are represented, in between, by plants of the following genera: Acer, Betula, Fraxinus, Liquidambar, Liriodendron, Pinus, Populus, Quercus. Crops are represented, in between, by the following species: Allium cepa (bulb onion) , Arachis hypogaea (peanut), Brassica napus (turnip), Brassica rapa (rape), Glycine max (soybean), Lactuca sativa (cutting lettuce), Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato), Nicotiana tabacum (tobacco), Phaseolus vulgaris (kidney bean), Triticum aestivum (spring wheat), Zea mays (maize).
Concentration of an agent averaged over period of growth (c) is often applied in characterising a state of the environment with respect to chemical constituents. Besides, integral of an excess of some threshold level by concentration of the agent over growth period is also successfully used. For instance, AOT40 index (that means Accumulated Over Threshold of 40 ppb) is alternatively used in quantifying ozone impact on plants (F(hrer, 1996).
Cause-response models are widely employed for synthesising results of cause-response experiments. Such models are simple relationships between a change in a state of the environment (Dc) and corresponding change in plant productivity (total biomass production, yield, etc.) from P to Po. Exponential function
is convenient for this purpose from many perspectives. Model parameter b (coefficient of sensitivity, positive for CO2 and negative for O3 and SO2) is estimated from the results of cause-response experiments with a statistical procedure using special computer FORTRAN programs developed at IGCE. Such estimations have been accomplished with respect to CO2, O3, SO2 for groups of deciduous and coniferous trees, and cereal crops (Semenov, Koukhta, 1996; Semenov et al., 1999).Sensitivity of lichens
Sensitivity of lichens to air pollution. Because of slow growth, very few lab cause-response experiments with low and moderate pollutant levels have been undertaken with lichens (Insarova, Insarov, 1989). The main set of data we used to assess lichen sensitivity to air pollution are numerous published results from field gradient studies containing data on a change in lichen community structure and species characteristics along air pollution gradients. The majority of such studies have been accomplished in various regions of Northern Hemisphere with respect to SO2, NOx, H2S, CO, dust, and heavy metals. A typical study is designed as follows. Characteristics of lichen communities and species are observed within sample plots placed along a certain transect starting from a source of pollution (city centre - outskirts transect, for example) (Richardson, 1988). List of lichen species is compiled for each plot, and lichen species occurrence and cover are documented. Such information comprises a basis for estimation of lichen sensitivity for pollutants. For instance, a rate of decline of occurrence/cover of a species with decreasing distance to the source of pollution roughly quantifies sensitivity of the species. Species can be further quantitatively compared with respect to sensitivity using such values. So far, a series of so called lichen sensitivity scales has been developed (Hawksworth, Rose, 1970; Hultengren et al, 1991; Insarova et al., 1992). A database containing estimates of lichen sensitivities to various pollutants has been also developed (Insarova et al., 1992). At present it contains estimates of sensitivities for more than 250 lichen species in different localities of the Northern Hemisphere. The values are transformed into a unified 100-degree sensitivity scale. Information on localities, tree phorophytes and their bark pH-class, and literature sources is also stored.
Sensitivity of lichens to climatic factors could be estimated through a) gradient studies, b) analysis of lichen species ranges, and c) analysis of experimental data on an influence of climatic stress on lichens.
- A study of trends in a state of lichen community along natural climatic gradients could be efficiently used for estimation of lichen sensitivity to climatic factors. For instance, data on lichens measured at a set of sample plots selected within a certain stratum (see the above section), but under different temperature/precipitation conditions (e. g., located at different altitudes) is a basis for such estimation. The plot-specific data on lichen species cover and temperature/precipitation are subjected to multiple regression analysis. Two regression coefficients, namely, cover against temperature and cover against precipitation quantify sensitivity of lichen species to respective meteorological variables. A monofactorial version of such study was accomplished with respect to epilithic lichen cover and temperature in the Negev Desert, Israel (Insarov et al., 1999).
- Analysis of abundance and frequency of lichens in different parts of their ranges also can be used in quantifying lichen sensitivity to climatic stress. Peripheral populations under extreme climatic conditions will disappear, if these conditions become worse. These populations are very sensitive to the stress. However, peripheral populations at the opposite side of climatic gradient will benefit from this climatic change. They are rather tolerant to the stress. This approach is especially effective for areas where climatic gradient exists, and which are crossed by floristic zones boundaries (Insarov, Insarova, 1996).
- Experimental data on climate caused changes in net photosynthesis rate of lichens, in between, in its response to temperature and water stress can be used for estimating lichen sensitivity in accordance with cause-response approach similar to one employed for higher plants (see above). Such data are being collected and converted into a unified format. At present, data on about 50 lichen species are stored in the database (Insarov, Insarova, 1996).
In order to filling the gaps in knowledge on sensitivity of some lichen species at a region, an extrapolation procedure can be applied (Roitman, 1989). Such procedure uses a hierarchical system of the Earth floristic regions as well as phylogenetic system for describing lichen taxonomy. Existing data on sensitivity of lichen species to certain factors at various regions of the Earth is an input information for such procedure. Output contains the estimates of sensitivity for species to factors and for regions requested, and their uncertainties (Insarov, Insarova, 1996).
Assessment activities
An assessment is roughly of two types, namely, "status assessment" and "trend assessment". A status assessment is aimed at characterising field(s) of given variable(s) in space at a certain moment or time period. Such a field can be actual or hypothetical one, i. e., constructed in accordance with a scenario. The main aim of a trend assessment is to detect a trend in actual series of monitoring data on given variable(s) characterising a certain location or territory. Some examples of assessments of these types are given below. The assessments are widely demanded within scientific community as well as by policymakers and public. Specially formatted (in particular, written in common language) assessments oriented to the latter two groups of users are annually published in Russia by Hydrometeorological Service (see, for instance, (Survey of pollution of the environment in the Russian Federation in 2000, 2001)).
Status assessments. Ground-level concentrations of O3 and SO2 in Europe in the last quarter of XX century significantly exceeded their "pre-industrial" levels. Meteorological Synthesising Centre-East (MSC-E) of EMEP calculated these values for each cell of so called EMEP grid with a routine model. In co-operation with MSC-E these calculated fields for 1991-1994 were then used at IGCE for comparative assessments of sulphur dioxide and ozone fields and for estimation of O3 - and SO2 -caused reductions in cereal crop yield and growth of biomass of deciduous trees over Europe for 1990th (Semenov, Koukhta, 1996; Semenov et al., 1998).
At the first stage fields of excess (Dc) of surface concentration of ozone and sulphur dioxide over their pre-industrial levels averaged over vegetative season were computed. The lower and upper limits of vegetative season for each cell of EMEP grid were calculated using a data-based model quantifying their dependence on latitude. The model was developed through research synthesis of published phenological data (Semenov et al., 1997). These two averaged fields, namely, of O3 and SO2 occurred essentially different. Concentrations of O3 everywhere significantly exceeds concentrations of SO2. Maximal concentrations of SO2 (up to 35mg/m3) are characteristics of some regions of Germany (East), Poland and Czech Republic (West), while outside them as a rule the values are several times lesser. Ozone field has several peaks (from 30 to 40mg/m3) within territories of the following countries: Great Britain (eastern England), Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg, Germany (South), Austria, Czech Republic. Ozone concentrations in some locations of Greece (25mg/m3) nears the peaks.
At the second stage the above fields (Dc) for SO2 and O3 were converted into the fields of percentage decline in the annual biomass increment of deciduous trees using a formula
(1 - exp(bDc)).100%
(see Research Synthesis section for explanation of b, i. e. sensitivity value). As it became clear from the results of these calculations, a role of sulphur dioxide is very modest as compared with ozone role. Maximal value of anthropogenic effect of SO2 (8%) is localised at the border between Germany and Poland. The values quickly decline with distance from this location down to 1% and lower. Contrary to this, anthropogenic effect of ozone exceeds 8% practically over all continental part of Western and Central Europe as well as in eastern England and southern Sweden. Decrease by 10% and more in the annual increment of biomass of deciduous trees occurred in some regions of Austria, Great Britain, Hungary, Germany, Greece, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovak Republic, France, Czech Republic, Slovenia and Switzerland (Semenov et al., 1996, 1997).Thus, SO2 direct effect on biomass increment of terrestrial plants (i. e., through penetrating into leaves via stomata) is a problem of regional scale, not of continental one. It is mostly the problem of three countries: Germany, Poland and Czech Republic. Contrary to this, anthropogenic ozone in the troposphere constitutes a continental problem. Averages of its concentrations over vegetative season in Western and Central Europe almost everywhere significantly exceeded their pre-industrial levels in 1990th.
The same model was applied for conversion of the excess (Dc) for ozone into reductions in cereal crop yield. It was shown that such reduction had exceeded 20% in some regions, while overall ozone caused annual losses in crop production in Europe had exceeded 2 billions US dollars (Semenov et al., 1999).
Trend assessments.
Lichens. A methodology for the most efficient detection of changes in a state of lichen communities at a site caused by an increase in background air pollution or climate change has been proposed in (Insarov, Semenov, 1993; Insarov et al., 1999). The main idea is construction of Trend Detection Index (TDI), namely, a weighted sum of species cover with special weights. The weights have to be chosen so as to ensure the highest resolution of TDI in detecting changes in lichen communities. In a monofactorial case, i. e., if a change in lichens is mainly determined by one environmental or climatic variable, two pieces of information are needed for calculating such weights. The first one is information on species sensitivity makes it possible to quantify how each species cover will change in response to projected change in the variable. Such information is derived from databases on lichen sensitivity through research synthesis procedures. The second one is information on natural variability, i. e. variances of lichen species cover at the site. Such information is derived from initial and further field surveys at the site using computerised statistical procedures. Mathematically the weights for calculating TDI are to be computed so as to achieve maximum possible value of signal-to-noise ratio, namely, a ratio of square of expected trend to natural variance. It was shown that resolution of such TDI is several times greater than resolution of each of the widely used indices, e. g., total cover of all species, Index of Atmosphere Purity, Index of Poleotolerance, or cover of one, even the most sensitive species. In many cases this allows to detect trends undetectable with traditional methods. For instance, estimation of potential efficacy of TDI-based system for monitoring and assessment of climate change with epilithic lichens proposed for the Ramon nature reserve (Negev Desert, Israel) showed that 0.8oC change in the annual mean surface air temperature will be detectable (Insarov et al., 1999). Such resolution appears sufficient in view of global warming by 1.4 to 5.8oC predicted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change for the end of the 21st century (Houghton et al., 2001).
Phenology. An analysis of changes in major phenological phases for some tree species in European part of the former USSR occurred in 1966-1995 were accomplished at IGCE (Minin, 2000). It was shown that leave development (emerging) in birch has shifted backward by 5-10 days in North, while in South-West it occurs now several days later. No trends in the date has been detected in central part of European Russia. The similar and even more distinct trends were found in mountain ash and bird cherry tree. Litter-fall in birch has shifted forward in North and South-West, and backward at Upper and Middle Volga regions. Vegetative period has increased by 10-20 days in Baltic part of the former USSR territory, and within boreal and sub-boreal zones. A certain decrease in duration of vegetative period has observed in Tambov and Pensa provinces. No changes in duration of vegetative period have been detected in the Upper Volga region, while its beginning has shifted backward. Duration of vegetative period has slightly increased in Carpathians, while its ending has shifted forward.
A set of contemporary activities aiming at evaluating the consequences of large-scale air pollution and climate change impacts on terrestrial ecosystems in Russia is not yet a system. This means that many important segments of "technological chain" of evaluation procedure "from monitoring to assessments using a research synthesis results" are still not properly established or needed to be seriously improved. The problem has scientific, financial and institutional aspects. The major points could be outlined as follows.
Although lichenological, phenological and dendrochronological observational activities in Russia pursue their particular goals, respective networks could have a common part that may constitute a Large-scale Background Monitoring (LBM) network. This will ensure, in particular, more high resolution of trend detection procedures. Such common LBM areas are expedient to select within state nature reserves due to the following reasons. The reserves are typically located far from big sources of air pollution, represent various climatic and floristic zones, have a permanent scientific staff, and also have a certain protection regime minimising local land use caused impacts and, thus, ensure possibility of long-term observations. Such LBM network, similar (by its aims and character of the sites) to LTER networks in many countries, is to be decided.
Initial surveys of epiphytic lichen communities have been accomplished at a number of nature reserves located in different climatic and floristic regions and provinces in 1970th and 1980th. These areas are considered as a basis of LBM network. Now it is time to repeat the surveys at the same sites that will give data needed for trend assessments. Initial surveys should also be made at some new areas of LBM. This lichenological work have to be accomplished by IGCE expedition. Phenological dates have to be routinely observed at nature reserves belonging to LBM network by their permanent staff and reported to Phenological Centres where the data are to be stored and processed. The staff has also to collect wood samples using the increment borer and send them to a dendrochronologocal data lab (for instance, to V. N. Sukachev Institute of Forest, Krasnoyarsk) for further processing, and verifying and storing the tree-ring series. Linear increments of young trees have to be measured by IGCE expedition, and then stored and processed at IGCE.
The priority task for research syntheses with respect to trees and crops is estimation of tree and crop species sensitivity to atmospheric deposition to the land surface of certain substances, in between, of nitrates and ammonia, and to changes in climate. Search of chamber experimental data through scientific publications, developing special databases and cause-response models are needed for accomplishing this task. New literature data on lichen sensitivity to air pollution should be also searched, standardised, incorporated into existing lichen database and processed using a model means. Gradient studies are also needed for estimating sensitivity of higher plants and lichens both along climatic gradients and gradients in concentration of atmospheric compounds, including pollutants. In these studies different types of biotic variables, in between, phenological dates and rate of growth (both radial and linear) of trees as well as species composition of lichen communities and species cover are to be explored. Although research synthesis activity in Russia is still going on, it is seriously suffered by limitations in availability of new scientific publications. A number of scientific periodicals available in Russia have substantially declined during last decade. Access to electronic library resources and reference materials is far from being perfect. Field expeditions for extended gradient studies are also needed, but difficult to organise due to budget circumstances.
There are two major issues which rectification is very important for assessment activities. First issue relates to developing specific indices for integration of monitoring data having high resolution, e.g., signal-to-noise ratio. This is important for early detection of large-scale trends in lichenological, phenological and dendrochronological variables. Such indices depend on a biotic variable and particular factor(s) affecting it. The second issue is developing approaches for attribution a change in biotic variables, e. g., explaining it by influence of certain air pollution or climatic factor(s). There is certain experience with respect to the first issue (see above, namely, assessment section, about trends in lichen communities). The second one is still at research stage.
Unfortunately, funds available in Russia for monitoring, research synthesis and assessment activities have been heavily lacking in the last decade that created serious obstacles for evaluating the consequences of large-scale and log-term air pollution and climate change impacts on terrestrial ecosystems. This has seriously affected, first of all, field expeditions needed for routine field observations and gradient studies, as well as library access, computer facilities and manpower needed for carrying out research synthesis projects and assessment procedures.
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Serguei Semenov & Gregory Insarov
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