Future Events First International Workshop on
To be held at Nantes (France) on February, 6-7-8, 2002
For more information about this call for papers go to the web page:
http://www.cerma.archi.fr/workshop02/IMPORTANT DATES:
PAPER, STAR and PANEL submission dead line: September 15, 2001 STAR and PANEL notification of acceptance: October 15, 2001 PAPER notification of acceptance with reviews: November 16, 2001 PAPER and STAR camera ready manuscript due: December 15, 2001 WORKSHOP: February 6-7-8, 2002 THE MAIN TOPICS OF THE WORKSHOP ARE:
Impact assessment:
>> theory on architectural and urban ambience, reference and referenciation;
>> measurement, modelling and simulation of physical ambient factors (period of sunshine, thermodynamics, aerodynamics, ventilation, acoustics, ...);
>> modelling, simulation and characterisation of urban micro-climates;
>> static or dynamic analysis of the visibility in buildings or in urban environments;
>> human perception of physical phenomena:
>> viewing, hearing, smelling, touch;
>> physiological, psychological, sociological and cultural interpretation of physical phenomena;
>> survey methodology for the human perception of ambient factors.
>> characterisation of existing buildings or urban fabrics according to morphological and ambient parameters;
>> historical analysis of ambient parameters of former states of buildings and towns, or of ancient projects not carried out;
>> architectural and urban project methodology involving ambient parameters;
>> computer aided design of architectural and urban environment involving ambient parameters.Impact significance
>> management and decision making of urban ambient environment;
>> morphological regulation;
>> glossary of ambient parameters, cases and practices;
>> groupware and shared culture among stakeholders and lay peoples.Martine Chazelas
Laboratoire Cerma
Ecole d'Architecture de Nantes
Rue Massenet BP 81931
44319 Nantes cedex 3
tel: 02 40 59 43 24
fax: 02 40 5911 77
Future Events
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