Future Events Third International Conference on Water Resources and Environment Research (ICWRER)
Subtitle: Water Quantity & Quality Aspects in Modelling and Management of Ecosystems
22nd - 26th of July 2002 in Dresden, Germany
(First Announcement and call for papers)OBJECTIVES
ICWRER 2002 is the third international conference in the series on Water Resources and Environment Research. The aim of the conference is to encourage and facilitate the interdisciplinary communication amongst scientists, engineers and professionals working in ecological systems and sustainable development including the conservation of natural systems. Water conservation and sustainable management of water resources only can be performed by the means of a multidisciplinary approach. Physical, biological, chemical and technical expertise, necessary for the understanding of the processes and their complex interaction in the natural and urban aquatic systems is a domain of topical interest for current research efforts. ICWRER wants to stimulate and promote further research in that field and offer the opportunity to share your ideas with other natural scientists and engineers from around the world working in the wide variety of water related disciplines. We look forward to welcome you for a productive scientific exchange and for having a good time here in Dresden.
ICWRER invites you to submit an abstract of a proposed paper on the topics outlined below and others falling within the scope of the Conference. An extended Abstract of no more than 600 words should be submitted by mail, fax or e-mail as soon as possible but not later than June, 1st. Authors should check with the Conference secretary if notification on the receipt of the abstract is still missing by early July 2001.
The official language of the Symposium will be English. All papers must be written and presented in English by one of their authors. Abstracts must show the full title of the paper, the names and affiliations of all authors, e-mail address and full mailing address of the leading author, the suggested session and the requested destination (oral, poster or product forum presentations). Abstracts should clearly state the purpose, results and conclusions of the work to be described in the final paper. Abstracts will be reviewed carefully by the ICWRER international steering committee. Relevance, quality and timeliness are key factors in reviewing proposed papers. The final acceptance will be based on the condensed paper. Each leading author may submit no more than three abstracts; the sender will be considered as the corresponding person.
The condensed paper (no more than 4 full pages) should be submitted to the Conference secretary no later than 1st of April 2002. condensed papers will be selected following evaluations by an international panel of referees. Acceptance of papers will be communicated to the leading author by June 2002. All condensed papers accepted for presentation will be published in the Proceedings available at start of the Conference.
Authors of selected condensed papers will be asked to provide a full paper. The full papers will be published in a special issue of a reckognized refereed journal.
We strongly encourage the submission of abstracts by e-Mail. Please submit your abstract with ICWRER 2002 in the subject line. Include your name, full address and conference topic.
E-mail: icwrer2002@mailbox.tu-dresden.de ( SUBJECT: ICWRER 2002)FURTHER INFORMATION ICWRER 2002
Continuously updated information on the conference, details on the conference location, accommodation, dinner, exhibition facilities etc. and further instructions concerning the submission of the condensed paper will be provided after October, 1st on our homepage:
http://www.tu-dresden.de/fghhihm/hydrologie.htmlTIME SCHEDULE:
1st Announcement and Call for papers 15.02.01 2nd Announcement and Call for papers 15.04.01 Deadline extended Abstracts 15.06.01 Notification of acceptance Abstracts 01.10.01 Deadline condensed paper 01.04.02 CONFERENCE TOPICS
I Modelling water resources phenomena
- Physically based watershed modelling
- Interacting surface-subsurface flow systems
- Water transfer in the unsaturated zone on a catchment scale
- Atmospheric processes & ecosystems
II Water Resources Management
- Regional water resources management and sustainability
- integrated water resources and environmental management
- Decision Support Systems in Integrated River Basin Management
- Risk and Reliability Assessments of complex Water Management Systems
- Management and Recovery of Endangered and Degraded Areas
III Matter and particle transport in surface and subsurface flow
- Matter and particle transport in rivers and lakes
- Fate of contaminants and nutrients in the unsaturated zone
- Transport processes in the waste- water system
- Soil & water remediation
- Natural attenuation processes
IV Ecosystem research
- Integrated transdiciplinary modelling of ecosystems
- Lakustrine & wetlands ecosystems
- Ecotechnology, ecological engineering
- ecological modelling
- Diffuse and urban impacts on aquatic ecosystems
- Environmental risk and sustainable development issues
15 min. for the presentation and 5 min. the discussion for each paper. Discussion - sessions with 20 min. presentation and 20 min. discussion will be held on selected papers on special interdisciplinary issues.
Local organizing committee:
G. H. Schmitz (chairman),
J. Benndorf,
C. Bernhofer,
B. Bilitewski,
P. Krebs,
F. Lennartz,
P. Werner,
H.B. HorlacherInternational steering committee:
Ph. Belleudy (France),
G. Bloschl (Austria),
C. Burns (New Zealand);
G. Dandy (Australia);
H. Fluhler (Swisserland);
K. W. Hipel (Canada);
T. Kojiri (Japan);
H. Scheuerlein (Austria),
G.H. Schmitz (Germany);
G. A. Schulz (Germany),
A. Schumann (Germany),
M. Siva Sivapalan (Australia),
M. Vauclin (France),
Cathleen Schimmek,
Conference Secretariat ICWRER 2002
Institute of Hydrology and Meteorology,
Dresden University of Technology
01187 Dresden, Wuerzburgerstr. 46, Germany
Tel: + 49 (0) 351 463 3931,
Fax: + 49 (0) 351 463 7162,
Email: icwrer2002@mailbox.tu-dresden.de
Future Events
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