Dear EURASAP members
The last EURASAP Committee Meeting took place in May 2001 in Belgirate at Lago Maggiore in Italy during the Seventh International Conference on Harmonisation within the Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes.
At this meeting some Committee members have resigned: Prof. Antoan Eliassen from Norway; Prof. Barry Smith from UK; Prof. Ernst Meszaros from Hungary; Prof. Robert Rosset from France; Prof. Tom O'Connor from Ireland and Dr. Joe Alcamo from Germany. On behalf of EURASAP community we thank all of them for their time and energy devoted to EURASAP matters and wish them success in their present activities.
New Committee members were appointed after the nomination from last winter.
The Committee pointed out that the main EURASAP objectives are still relevant, important and are followed during the years:
To promote interdisciplinary scientific and management contacts among all countries in Europe (and other continents) within the Sciences of Air Pollution;
To collaborate with other European structures, institutions, programmes and initiatives in the field; and
To support young scientists for participation in conferences.
The main objectives are followed through the EURASAP Newsletter and Workshops.
In the 42nd and 43rd issues Dr. Sylvain Joffre, the Chairperson of the COST Technical Committee for meteorology gives information about the COST Programme of the European Union.
In 2001 support was given to 3 participants in the EURASAP Biomonitoring workshop (April 2001, Sofia, Bulgaria) and to one in the 3rd Urban Air Quality meeting (March 2001, Loutraki, Greece).
The EURASAP support follows usual rules: support is given to persons from countries in transition and young scientists that give a presentation at the conference or workshop. The grantees are also obliged to write a contribution to the Newsletter. In the EURASAP Newsletter issue 42, Dr. Laszlo Makra who participated the 3rd Urban Air Quality meeting presents a paper on Air Quality in Southern Hungary.
We would also like to remind all EURASAP members that the EURASAP activities are financed only on the base of membership fee. All EURASAP members are therefore asked to show their support for the EURASAP activities also by dully paying their annual fees. The membership of institutions, firms and organisations as corporate members is also important for EURASAP.
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