Jobs and PhD Positions Max-Planck-Institute for Biogeochemistry
Ph.: +49 - 3641 - 64 37 06
Fax: +49 - 3641 - 64 37 10Jena, 18th December 2000
Announcement of Postdoctoral and/or Doctoral Position(s)
The Department of Biogeochemical Processes (Prof. Dr E.-D. Schulze) offers one full-time position or alternatively two part-time positions for postdoctoral or doctoral research studies. The department operates a number of field sites in long-term mode to determine atmospheric CO2 fluxes over different vegetations. These are partly funded by the EU within the "CarboEurope" project cluster, and partly from the institute's own resources. The successful applicant/s will participate in the maintenance of the sites, the quality control of the data and the scientific analysis. They will have the opportunity to pursue their own research interests with the data obtained. Dependent on individual preferences, the focus could be on
* development and evaluation of photosynthesis and respiration models
* understanding of atmospheric transport processes
* improvement of experimental budgeting techniques
or other questions of relevance to the carbon cycle.We expect:
* Knowledge/experience in at least ONE of the following fields: turnover of matter in plants and/or soils, meteorological measurement techniques, modeling of biological or hydrodynamical systems
* University degree in a natural sciences' subject; PhD if applying for full-time position
* Interest in questions related to ecosystems and climate
* Willingness to participate in regular one-day journeys to maintain field site operationAdvantageous are:
* Knowledge of programming languages or database software
* Proficiency in either English or German language (both are working languages in the institute)We offer:
* to join an interdisciplinary and international team in a young institute
* Technical support by specific service departments for field measurements, isotope analyses, analytical chemistry, and computing
* Remuneration according to rules of German public service (category BAT-O II a)The position is offered initially for 2 years, extension possible.
Please direct your application, until 20 January 2001, to:
Dr Johannes Laubach - Max-Planck-Institut fur Biogeochemie
Postfach 10 01 64
D-07701 Jena
Ph.: +49 - 3641 - 64 37 38
Fax: +49 - 3641 - 64 37 10
Direktorium: Hausadresse: Postadresse: ID-Nummer: I.C. Prentice
D. SchimelCarl-Zeiss-Promenade 10
07745 JenaPostfach 10 01 64
07701 JenaDE129517720
E.-D. Schulze
Jobs and PhD Pozitions
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