Organized by - C. Cuvelier, G. Graziani, S. Galmarini, P. Thunis
Environment Institute
Joint Research Centre, European Commission
I-21020 Ispra (VA), Italy
E-mail: conf.harmo7@jrc.it
Internet: http://www.ei.jrc.it/ap/events/harmo7
Mrs D. Schlittenhardt
Public Relations - Tel. + 39 0332 789370, Fax + 39 0332 785409
Steering Committee
Dr J.G. Bartzis NCSR DEMOKRITOS, Athens, Greece Dr D. Carruthers CERC, Cambridge, U.K. Prof A. Coppalle CORIA, Rouen, France Dr C.Cuvelier EC IRC-EI, Ispra, Italy Prof W. Klug Darmstadt, Germany Dr J.G. Kretzschmar VITO, Mol, Belgium Dr F. de Leeuw RIVM, Bilthoven, The Netherlands Prof Dr F.T.M. Nieuwstadt T.U. Delft, The Netherlands Dr H.R.Olesen NERI, Denmark Dr A.N. Skouloudis EC IRC-EI, Ispra, Italy Dr G.Zanini ENEA, Bologna, Italy
Scientific Committee
Dr R.AImbauer Technical University of Graz, Austria Dr D.Anfossi CNR Torino, Italy Dr J.G. Bartzis NCSR DEMOKRITOS, Athens, Greece Dr R.E. Britter University of Cambridge, U.K. Prof P.J.H. Builtjes TNO, The Netherlands Dr B. Carrissimo EdF, Paris, France Dr D. Carruthers CERC, Cambridge, U.K. Dr S. Galmarini EC IRC-EI, Ispra, Italy Prof E. Genikhovich Geophysical Obs., St Petersburg, Russia Dr G. Graziani EC JRC-EI, Ispra, Italy Dr S.E. Gryning RISO, Denmark Prof W. Klug Darmstadt, Germany Dr J.G. Kretzschmar VITO, Mol, Belgium Dr P. Mestayer Ecole Centrale, Nantes, France Prof N. Moussiopoulos Aristotle Univ. ofThessaloniki, Greece Dr H.R. Olesen NERI, Denmark Prof M. Schatzman Meteo Inst., Univ. of Hamburg, Germany Dr P. Suppan EC JRC-EI, Ispra, Italy Dr P.Thunis ECIRC-EI, Ispra, Italy Background
The environmental impact of certain industrial and human activities must be assessed at the planning stage (EU-directive 85/337/EEC). It is clear that for predicting the impact of atmospheric emissions upon the local air quality, atmospheric transport and dispersion models must be used. Only models allow the decision-maker to build up a number of scenarios, in which the various steps in the formation of the environmental load can be easily simulated and changed. Further, the EU framework directive on air quality (96/62/50) calls for modelling as one of the methods for assessing air quality and it emphasises the need for common methods for air quality assessments. Accordingly, there is a need for the European countries to build upon the experiences of each other and to harmonise model development in some respects. In June 1991, the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission called a meeting to consider the sharing of information and possible harmonisation of new approaches to atmospheric dispersion modelling and model evaluation. This initiative has fostered a series of conferences that have been concerned with improvement of "modelling culture" in Europe. The 7th International Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes in Belgirate (28th-3ist May 2001) will continue the efforts of the previous conferences. Additional information on the Harmonisation Initiative can be found on the web at the following address: http://www.dmu.dk/AtmosphericEnvironment/harmoni.htm
Topics for papers
The 7th Conference is addressed to model developers, model users and environmental protection agency staff. In view of what has been written above, they are invited to submit contributions which can serve towards the aim of providing reliable modelling tools that can be used in a sound manner by air quality managers. An area of primary interest for the conference is the assurance of model quality, in particular through model evaluation and quantification of model uncertainties. Work will continue concerning tools used at previous Harmonisation Conferences (Model Validation Kit, ASTM methodology, etc.). The scope of this Conference is indicated by the following list of topics:
- Validation and inter-comparison of models; model evaluation methodology
- Regulatory models: country review
- Short distance dispersion modelling
- Urban scale and street canyon modelling: meteorology and air quality
- Mesoscale meteorology and air quality modelling
- Environmental impact assessment: air pollution management and decision support systems.
What distinguishes this conference from many others is its focus on common tools and methodologies. The basic criteria for selecting papers for oral presentation will be whether they fit in with the philosophy of developing an improved modelling culture where modellers as well as regulators and users make effective use of each other's experience.
The conference is aimed at: Model developers and users, Representatives of environmental agencies (local, national and international).
Call for abstracts
Abstracts in English with a maximum length of one A4 page (300 words minimum) should be sent by surface mail to:
Dr C. Cuvelier, IRC-EI TP280 - I-21020 Ispra (Va), Italy.Submit your abstract as soon as possible and not later than 1st November 2000. Remember to indicate your preference for oral/poster presentation.
Authors of accepted abstracts (oral and poster) will be informed by January 2001 and will be requested to submit an extended (3 pages) abstract to be included in the CD-ROM Conference proceedings. A selection of the Conference papers will be published in a special issue of an international journal after a full review procedure.
Registration Fees and hotel accommodation
The Conference registration fee is:
and includes CD-ROM proceedings, welcome reception, lunches, refreshments during the morning and afternoon breaks, transportation by coach from and to the airport. A limited number of grants is available. Conference fees will be requested to be paid only by bank transfer to:
- 400 EURO (full rate)
- 300 EURO (student rate)
Banca popolare di Sondrio
C/c EDC 074/429200 - ABI 05696 - CAB 11000
indicating clearly: Name, Affiliation, and motivation: 7th Harmonisation Conference. A number of rooms has been reserved at the Villa Carlotta at 75 EURO for a single room with breakfast, and 125 EURO for a double room with breakfast. The Conference registration form and the Hotel accommodation form will be sent after the selection of the papers/posters (January 2001) to those who have pre-registered.Exhibition
The Exhibition will be an important feature of the Conference. Organisations wishing to advertise commercially available software/hardware relevant to the subject and publishers are invited to exhibit their products.
BELGIRATE is 50 km away from the Malpensa International Airport, which is connected by public transportation. BELGIRATE is a little old town on the western shores of Lake Maggiore, with parks, villas, monuments, and shops. Its setting is very close to Stresa, and to Ascona and Locarno in Switzerland. Each of these locations can be easily reached by boat or bus. Stresa is the starting location of many excursions on the lake, among them the visit to the Borromee Islands. More information on the area can be found at the following address: http://www.stresa.net/
Up-to-date information
Information on the Conference will be continuously updated on the World Wide Web, at the following address: http://www.ei.irc.it/ap/events/harmo7
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