Future Events
Fourth General Conference of the Balkan Physical Union,
Veliko Turnovo,
Sir Arnold Wolfendale (UK) - President EPS
Christos Zerefos (Greece) - President BPU
Luciano Maiani (CERN)
Metin Arik (Turkey)
Eva Zsolnay (Hungary)
Simeon Anguelov (UNESCO)
Henry Ruhadze (Russia)
Alvaro De Rujula (CERN)
Ivan Todorov (Bulgaria)
Viktor Urumov (FYR of Macedonia)
Giorgio Bek-Uzarov (Yougoslavia)
Vladimir Kadyshevsky (JINR)
Ventzeslav Andreichev (Bulgaria)
Alexandru Calboreanu (Romania)
Herwig Schopper (CERN)
Jan Nadrchal (Czech Republic)
Rumen Bojkov (WMO)
Stoicho Panchev (Bulgaria)
Azim Minxhozi (Albania)
Ivan Lalov (Bulgaria)
Matey Mateev (Bulgaria)
Efsthatius Polychroniadis (Greece)
Nizamettin Erduran (Turkey)
Petar Atanasov (Bulgaria)
E. Burzo (Romania)
Luljeta Bejleri (Albania)
Ivan Zheliazkov (Bulgaria)
Alexander Petrov (Bulgaria)
Nikola Subotinov (Bulgaria)
Ivan Lalov - Chairman of the Union of the Physicists in BulgariaBALKAN PHYSICAL UNION
First AnnouncementINTRODUCTION
The 4th General Conference of the Balkan Physical Union (BPU-4) will be held in Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria, from Tuesday 22 August to Sunday 27 August 2000. All the sessions of the conference will take place at the University of Veliko Turnovo "Sts. Cyril and Methodius", which is beautifully placed on the hill of Sveta Gora. Veliko Turnovo is ancient capital of Bulgaria situated in the central part of the country. The town is major tourist, cultural and university center of Bulgaria.SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM
In the last year of the Millennium the Conference is supposed to cover the most important results and trends in the following fields of physics:
- nuclear physics and nuclear energy
- astronomy and astrophysics
- gravitation and cosmology
- atomic and molecular physics
- high energy physics
- condensed matter physics
- optics
- plasma physics
- theoretical and mathematical physics
- computer science
- meteorology and geophysics
- environmental physics
- alternative sources of energy
- econophysics
- applied physics
- physics education
- history and philosophy of physics
The Conference is open to all scientists from the Balkan countries. Participants from outside the Balkans are also welcome. Participation of young physicists and students is highly appreciated. A special student session is planned. Both invited and contributed talks will be given. Poster session will be organised. The Scientific Program Committee will make selection for the oral and poster presentations.
The contributions will be published after a positive referee report in Balkan Physics Letters or Bulgarian Journal of Physics before June 2001. Details about publication and preparation of manuscripts will be given in the Second Announcement.FEES>
Ordinary registration (30 USD), Student registration (15 USD), Accompanying person (10 USD)SOCIAL PROGRAM AND EXCURSIONS
A number of social events and excursions will be offered to the participants and the accompanying persons. A detailed list will be given in the next announcements.ACCOMODATION
Both hotels and students hostels are available in Veliko Turnovo.TIME TABLE
30 April 2000, Abstract submission deadline
31 May 2000, Hotel reservation deadline
15 August, 2000 Papers submission deadlineCONTACT
Faculty of Physics, University of Sofia, 5 James Bourchier Blvd.
1164 Sofia, BULGARIA
Phone: +359 2 62 29 38,
Fax: +359 2 962 52 76
e-mail: bpu4@phys.uni-sofia.bg
Future Events
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