Scientists' Contributions Lichens population biodiversity as index of air health in Rieti district (Central Italy)
Owczarek, M.*, De Marco A.*, De Simone C.**, Beretta F.**
In the studies aimed to the evaluation of environmental pollution, in addition to automatic machines, the researches have been increasingly oriented towards the use of bioindicators. In this context, lichens are proved to be especially suitable because of their high sensitivity to air pollution being strictly dependent on the atmosphere for their metabolic activities.
In this work the results of a research dealt with the air quality monitoring by using epiphytes lichens in different areas of Rieti district are reported. For this purpose, the Biodiversity Index according to Badin and Nimis has been used.
In each considered station, the suitable trees for this study have been identified on account of their highest covering of lichen populations. Furthermore, the epiphytes species found in ten similar rectangles (30x50 cm) subdivided reticle have been taken into account and their frequency in each rectangle has been also considered. The Biodiversity Index value has been computed as the addition of the total frequencies of all lichen species observed in each station divided by the number of the trees studied (five trees/station).
The computation of Biodiversity Index in each studied station allowed us a comprehensive evaluation of the air health in the area under observation.
In this study relatively high Biodiversity Index values have been observed.
By comparing the obtained values of the Biodiversity Index with the scale proposed by Badin and Nimis for the evaluation of air quality, we can observe levels of air quality classified as excellent or relatively high in the areas far from urban and industrial sites, whereas air quality levels considered as relatively low have been observed in some zones of the urban sites.
As a conclusion, the present work provided for useful information on the air quality in different areas of Rieti district and the obtained results will be useful in the study of the evolution of the environmental conditions in such areas in order to plan actions necessary to the protection and the conservation of the areas under risk.
Malgorzata Owczarek
Centro di Genetica Evoluzionistica
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Roma, Italy.
*Centro di Genetica Evoluzionistica Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche. Roma, Italy.
**Istituto Sperimentale per lo Studio e la Difesa del Suolo. Sezione di Conservazione del Suolo. P.O. box 117. Via Casette 1, 02100 Rieti, Italy
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