Scientists' Contributions Standardised Methods of Biomonitoring Air Pollution Effects. Examples of Results, Discussion of Strengths and Limitations of the Methods.
Walter Erhardt
UMEG, Zentrum fuer Umweltmessungen, Umwelterhebungen und Geraetesicherheit Karlsruhe, Germany.
Biomonitoring has a long tradition in Germany. The experience gained over time was used to develop national guidelines for various methods.
The following methods of biomonitoring are standardised in guidelines of the German Engineers' Association (Verein Deutscher Ingenieure, VDI):
- use of lichen transplants as indicators of air pollution effects: VDI 3799-2 (1991)
- mapping lichens as indicators of air pollution effects: VDI 3799-1 (1995)
- use of tabacco plants (BEL W3) for monitoring effects of ozone: VDI 3957-6 (Draft, November 2000)
- use of Curly Kale plants for monitoring accumulation of organic compounds (PAH, PCB, PCDD/F) and/or heavy metals: VDI 3957-3 (December 2000)
- use of Grass Cultures for monitoring accumulation of heavy metals, sulphur, fluorine and/or organic compounds (PAH, PCB, PCDD/F): VDI 3957-2 (Draft, January 2001)
- use of Norway Spruce (Picea abies) for monitoring accumulation of heavy metals and/or organic compounds (PAH, PCB, PCDD/F): VDI 3957-5 (Draft, January 2001)
Before these guidelines were developed, their methodological principles had been tested in numerous studies and employed in programs of air pollution control. Since almost all of these applications were done according to individual ideas, a wealth of information about the characteristics of the methods was accumulated. The guidelines are derived from these methodological variations and supplemented with regulations on quality assurance, evaluation and presentation of the results.
The methods are outlined and their background and performance is discussed.
Walter ErhardtFachbereich Immissionswirkungen
UMEG, Zentrum fuer Umweltmessungen,
Umwelterhebungen und Geraetesicherheit
Karlsruhe, Germany.
Tel.: 0721/7505-135
Fax.: 0721/7505-200
Scientists' Contributions
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