Scientists' Contributions Using plant leaves for evaluation of environmental trace element contamination
M. Tomasevic, S. Rajsic, Z. Vukmirovic
Institute of Physics, Pregrevica 118, 11080 Belgrade-Zemun, P.O.Box 68
Higher plants have usually not been used for environmental monitoring. However, in recent literature, the use of plant leaves for this purpose have been more considered. Leaves of tree species have also been used for monitoring of trace metal deposition along heavy traffic roads, industrial and urban areas. Highly standardized procedures have been suggested as necessary in sampling methodology and in trace metal analyses.
The concentrations of Pb, Cu and Zn were determined for horse chestnut (Aesculus hipposastanum L.) and for Turkish hazel (Coryllus colurna L.) leaves in a heavy traffic Belgrade urban area during the vegetation periods of 1996 and 1997. The soil samples were taken at the beginning of the periods and analyzed using atomic absorption method. Chemical analyses of leaves were done by an electrochemical method (DPASV). High Pb content, at toxicity level, was found in leaves. Measured Cu, Zn, and Cd were below the "reference plant" values. Concentrations of all trace elements in leaves increased along the vegetative periods; the slope of Pb and Zn was higher from Cu.
Melica Tomasevic and Slavica RajsicInstitut of Physics
Pregrevica 118,Zemun11080, Belgrade, Yugoslavia
P.O.Box 68
Scientists' Contributions
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