Future Events International Workshop on Physical Modelling of Flow and Dispersion Phenomena
September 3-5, 2001 in Hamburg University, Germany
Workshop objectives:
In order to explore and to discuss the latest achievements in physical modelling of flow and dispersion phenomena, a workshop will be held at Hamburg University. It is intended to provide a forum for discussion of research results, information exchange and establishment/reactivation of personal contacts between wind tunnel or water flume laboratories around the world. In addition to the regular program of oral presentations, a poster session will be organized.
Topics covered:
The workshop is intended to focus primarily on physical modelling of environmental flow and dispersion phenomena. The subject of contributions will cover current topics like
- improvement / validation of boundary layer modelling techniques,
- new measurement techniques and their application in the investigation of flow and dispersion phenomena,
- basic investigations of the structure of flow and dispersion processes in turbulent boundary layers,
- generation of validation data for numerical flow and dispersion models,
- application of physical modelling techniques in applied research (urban type flow and dispersion problems, odour dispersion,
- pedestrian wind comfort, ventilation of built-up areas, biogenic emissions, accidental releases, modelling of topographic effects, etc..
Abstracts should be submitted until Feb. 15, 2001. More information is given under http://www.mi.uni-hamburg.de/physmod2001
Michael Schatzmann
Meteorological Institute
University of Hamburg
Bundesstr. 55, D - 20146 HAMBURG
Tel.: +49-40-42838-5090,
Fax.: +49-40-42838-5452
Email: schatzmann@dkrz.de
Homepage: http://www.mi.uni-hamburg.de
Future Events
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