Future Events International Workshop on
Physical Modelling of Flow and Dispersion PhenomenaSeptember 3 - 5, 2001
Hamburg, GermanyWorkshop Objectives
In order to explore and to discuss the latest achievements in physical modelling of flow and dispersion phenomena, a workshop will be held at Hamburg University. It is intended to provide a forum for discussion of research results, information exchange and establishment/reactivation of personal contacts between wind tunnel or water flume laboratories around the world. In addition to the regular program of presentations and discussions, a poster session will also be organized.
Workshop Topics
The workshop is intended to focus primarily on physical modelling of environmental flow and dispersion phenomena. The subject of contributions may cover current topics like
* improvement / validation of boundary layer modelling techniques,
* new measurement techniques and their application in the investigation of flow and dispersion phenomena,
* basic investigations of the structure of flow and dispersion phenomena in turbulent boundary layers,
* generation of validation data for numerical flow and dispersion models, and
* application of physical modelling techniques (urban type flow and dispersion problems, odour dispersion, pedestrian wind comfort, ventilation of built-up areas, biogenic emissions, accidental releases, modelling of topographical effects etc.)Call for papers
Abstracts not exceeding 1 page (A4/letter size, specify poster or oral presentation!) must be submitted until February 15, 2001. Preferred way of abstract submission is sending the text via Email as HTML-, MS Word- or Word Perfect-attachment. Authors will be informed on acceptance of their contributions until the end of March 2001. Full papers (about 8-10 pages) are due June 1, 2001. Papers and posters accepted will be published in online-proceedings which will be available prior to the workshop. Instructions on preparation of the papers will be given directly to the authors.
In a second step, papers will be published in a special edition of a major international journal (provided they survive the review process).
Registration and Fees
All participants are requested to fill out the online registration form on the workshop web site http://www.mi.uni-hamburg.de/physmod2001. The workshop fees will be kept to a minimum enabling also young scientists and students to attend. It is to be expected that the workshop fee (including refreshments, an Icebreaker, a workshop dinner and conference proceedings) will not exceed Euro 100 (less for students).
The workshop will be held at Hamburg University. The Technical Meteorology Division of the Meteorological Institute of Hamburg University is running several boundary layer wind tunnels. Currently, a new large boundary layer wind tunnel is under construction. The workshop will provide the first opportunity to visit the new facility.
Participants are requested to book well in advance since only a limited contingent of hotel reservations can be guaranteed. A list of hotels as well as further information on accommodation can be found on the web site. For students a few private hosted accommodations might be available nearly for free (sleeping bag required).
Further information
For further information please contact:
University of Hamburg
Meteorological Institute
Sabine Bartols-
Bundesstrasse 55
D - 20146 Hamburg/GermanyTel.: +49 40 42838 5092
Fax.: +49 40 42838 5452
email: physmod2001@dkrz.de
Homepage: http://www.mi.uni-hamburg.deScientific Committee:
Prof. P.H.J. Builtjes (TNO-MEP, Apeldoorn, Netherlands)
Dr. Z. Janour (Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic)
Dr. B. Leitl (University of Hamburg, Germany)
Prof. W.H. Melbourne (Monash University, Clayton, Australia)
Prof. R. N. Meroney (Colorado State University, Fort Collins, USA)
Dr. R. Ohba (Mitsubishi, Nagasaki R&D Center, Japan)
Prof. A. Robins (University of Surrey, Guildford, UK)
Prof. M. Schatzmann (University of Hamburg, Germany)
Dr. W.H.Snyder (formerly EPA Fluid Modeling Facility, Res. Triangle Park, NC, USA)Local Organizers
Prof. M. Schatzmann, Dr. B. Leitl, S. Bartols (University of Hamburg)
Future Events
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