New Ideas & Action International Association for Urban Climate (IAUC)
During June 2000, a notice was distributed via this medium from Tim Oke (University of British Columbia) announcing the intention of forming an organization for urban climatology (also in EURASAP Newsletter issue 38, June 2000). This notice also explained how to affiliate with the organization and provided an opportunity to put forward one's name as a candidate for the ten-member Board and/or the positions of President and Secretary. At the end of June, a second notice was distributed explaining the procedure for voting for these positions.
As a result of this balloting, the following (in alphabetical order) have been elected to the Board.
Arnfield, John (The Ohio State University, USA) - Secretary
Bitan, Arieh (Tel Aviv University, Israel)
Bornstein, Bob (San Jose State University, USA)
Eliasson, Ingegard (Goteborg University, Sweden)
Grimmond, Sue (Indiana, University, USA)
Mayer, Helmut (University of Freiburg, Germany)
Nakamura, Yasuto. (Prefectural University of Kumamoto, Japan)
Oke, Tim (University of British Columbia, Canada) - President
Roth, Matthias (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
Voogt, James (University of Western Ontario, Canada)In October 2000 the members of the new organization voted to choose its name. The final tally was as follows:
International Association for the Urban Atmosphere 41 votes International Association for Urban Climate 89 votes Accordingly, it is henceforth known as the
International Association for Urban Climate (IAUC)
The web site ( has been updated to reflect the name choice and has been redesigned.
John Arnfield (Secretary, IAUC) -
Dept of Geography, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210-1361, USA
Tel: +1 614 292 7954
Fax: +1 614 292 6213
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