April 9-13, 2001, ParisFirst announcement and Call for papers
The aim of this meeting is to review the current understanding of Air Pollution Modelling and Simulation and to bring together people from various scientific communities (meteorology, atmospheric chemistry, modelling of emissions, input data, numerical analysis and applied mathematics, ...) in order to confront their points of view.
Organized by - Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussees (ENPC)
Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique (INRIA)
Scientific Committee
Nicole Audiffren (LAMP, France) Gilles Bergametti (LISA, France) Peter Builtjes (TNO, NL) Pierre Carlotti (Cambridge, UK) Greg Carmichael (University of Iowa, USA) Alexis Coppalle (CORIA, France) Frank Dentener (IMAU, NL) Hendrik Elbern (University of Cologne, FRG) Rainer Friedrich (University of Stuttgart, Germany) Isabelle Herlin (INRIA, France) Robert Joumard (INRETS, France) Francois Xavier Le Dimet (University J.Fourier and INRIA, France) Nicolas Moussiopoulos (Aristotle University, Greece) Luc Musson Genon (EdF, France) Spyros Pandys (CMU, USA) Vincent Henri Peuch (Meteo France) Robert Rosset (LA, France) Adrian Sandu (University of Michigan, USA) Olivier Thual (CERFACS and IMFT, France) Martin Van Loon (TNO, NL) Robert Vautard (LMD, France) Jan Verwer (CWI, NL) Jordi Vila-Guerau (Wageningen Un., NL) Zahari Zlatev (NERI, Denmark)
Scientific Secretary - Bruno Sportisse (ENPC, France)
Conference Topics
The following topics will be studied:
- Modelling of atmospheric chemical kinetics (gas and aqueous phases)
- Aerosol modelling
- Mesoscale meteorology
- Urban scale meteorology
- Emission models
- Coupling with radiative effects
- Numerical simulation of transport
- Numerical simulation of atmospheric chemical kinetics
- High performance computations
- Data assimilation and sensitivity analysis
- Inverse modelling
- Predictive tools
- System management
Abstracts and Proceedings The conference languages will be English and French.
The abstract (two pages) must be sent to the conference web site before October 6, 2000. It will be reviewed by two members of the Scientific Committee.
Notification of acceptance will be sent to authors before December 1, 2000.
The full papers have to be sent before February 2, 2001.
Proceedings will be edited under a form to be determined (by INRIA or and a scientific publisher).
Sponsorship Committee - A sponsorship Committee is being currently built up.
Key dates
First Announcement June 2000 Deadline for submission of abstracts October 6, 2000 Notification to authors of acceptance December 1, 2000 Deadline for submission of full papers February 2, 2001 Conference April 9-13, 2001
Information - You can visit the Web site: http://www.inria.fr/apms01
You can also
- visit the site of the former APMS conference at the following address:
or - contact the Conference Secretariat amps01@inria.fr
or - Relations Exterieures INRIA
Conference APMS'01
INRIA, Domaine de Voluceau,
Rocquencourt, BP 105
78153 Le Chesnay Cedex, FRANCE
fax: +
or - contact the scientific secretary sportiss@cereve.enpc.fr
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