Dear EURASAP members
EURASAP has been active for about 15 years with the objectives put forward in the beginning. Most of those objectives listed below are still valid. Maybe there are new important topics that you can point out, when remembering them. Here is also a list of the items that the membership fee is used for. Please, send your ideas and opinions to the EURASAP Newsletter Editor. We all want to have useful activities.
EURASAP Objectives:
* Facilitate the collaboration among scientists from different European countries.
* Support the scientific development of students and young scientists.
* Organise small Workshops on specific topics in order to clarify and solve scientific problems.
* Facilitate the distribution of information among scientists in the field of air pollution - through the EURASAP Newsletter and a Web site.The funds of EURASAP come from membership fee and are spend for:
* Support the organisation of small workshops on specific topics.
* Newsletter edition and distribution.
* Support for students to attend conferences.
* Support for other conferences in the field of air pollution.
* Awards for young scientists.Ekaterina Batchvarova
Newsletter Editor
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