14-19 January 2001, Albuquerque, New MexicoA Millennium Symposium on Atmospheric Chemistry: Past, Present, and Future of Atmospheric Chemistry sponsored by the American Meteorological Society and organized AMS Committee on Atmospheric Chemistry, will be held 14-19 January 2001 as part of the AMS 81st AMS Annual Meeting in Albuquerque, New Mexico. A preliminary program, registration, hotel and general information will be posted in late September 2000 on the AMS Web site http://www.ametsoc.org/AMS.
With the Millennium Year upon us, this symposium will serve to bring together atmospheric scientists interested in the chemistry of the atmosphere. With urban, regional, and global scale atmospheric chemistry impacts now becoming more and more apparent, this symposium's aim is to pause and take a look at where we have been, where we are, and where we are going.
Abstracts will be solicited on:
- Past history of atmospheric chemistry, as well as papers on present work in atmospheric chemistry.
- The future with focus on the need for interdisciplinary studies involving stronger interactions between meteorologists, chemists, and biologists.
- History of Atmospheric Chemistry
- Urban and Regional Scale Interactions: Megacities as Sources (In continuation of related topics at the AMS Third Symposium on the Urban Environment, August 2000, Davis, CA)
- The Role of Clouds in Atmospheric Chemistry,
- Long Range Transport of Ozone and Fine Aerosols,
- Aerosol Effects on Radiative Balance and Photochemistry,
- Tropospheric Modeling - Coupling Meteorology to Chemistry,
- Boundary Layer Meteorology Effects on Nighttime Chemistry,
- Global Climatology of Aerosols
- The Future-The Need for Interdisciplinary Studies; and
- The Role of Satellites in Tropospheric Chemistry Measurements.
- Other
Deadline for abstracts is 1 JULY 2000. Abstracts are now submitted electronically. AMS will provide instructions to authors of accepted papers. Camera-ready manuscripts (page length to be determined), including photos and diagrams, must be submitted by 1 OCTOBER 2000 to AMS Headquarters. Page charges will be assessed to defray printing costs. Registrants will receive a preprint volume at the conference.
For further information contact: Jeffrey S. Gaffney, Argonne National Laboratory, Bldg. 203/ER, Argonne, IL 60429 (tel: 6302525178; fax: 6302527415; email: gaffney@anl.gov).
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