From Steven Hanna (shanna@gmu.edu) through the URBAN CLIMATE EMAIL LIST
Announcement for Fourth Annual George Mason University Transport and Dispersion Modeling Workshop (11-13 July, 2000, Lecture Hall I, GMU, Fairfax, VA)
Date of Announcement: 31 March 2000
1. Format of Workshop and Request for Abstracts
The presentations have been by "invitation-only" at the previous three (1997, 1998, and 1999) George Mason University (GMU) Transport and Dispersion Modeling Workshops. Because of the increased interest and the growing attendance, there is a major change this year, since the Workshop is now "open" to submittal of abstracts by all interested persons.
Presentations will be given on 11 and 12 July in the format of a typical conference, with 15 or 20 minutes available for the presentation and the discussion. So that everyone will have a chance to hear all presentations, we will not run parallel sessions. Therefore we will be able to handle about 50 presentations. Note that the last morning (13 July) of the Workshop will be devoted to an executive session for research managers.
A much larger room (Lecture Hall I) has been reserved for this year where 300 persons can be accommodated. This means that we will not have to limit attendance as in past years.
2. Submittal of Abstracts and Request for Copies of Viewgraphs or Slides
Abstracts should be submitted by e-mail before 31 May 2000 to Steve Hanna at shanna@gmu.edu. The title and an abstract of less than 200 words should be submitted along with full names of all authors, e-mail addresses of all authors, and mailing address and telephone number of the lead author. There is no requirement for a written paper, although presenters are asked to provide copies of their viewgraphs or slides, as well as any related reprints, if available.
3. Technical Topics of Interest
The technical topics to be included cover a wide range under the general category of atmospheric transport and dispersion modeling. The major focuses are listed below:
- Mesoscale meteorological modeling for input to transport and dispersion models.
- New developments in transport and dispersion models.
- Urban-scale meteorological and dispersion models.
- Recent models and experiments concerning the stable boundary layer.
- Field experiments and laboratory experiments concerned with transport and dispersion.
- Model evaluation methods and examples of applications.
- Modeling of flow and dispersion at local building and street scales.
- Modeling of exchanges between buildings and outside air.
- Modeling and experiments inside buildings, subways, and tunnels.
- Special considerations for aerosols.
- Removal processes such as dry and wet deposition and chemical reactions.
- Methods and criteria for decision-making.
- Accounting for uncertainty and risk.
4. Who should attend?
The core of the past three workshops has consisted of DoD participants, although we have made a concerted effort to include participants from EPA, DOE, and other agencies doing related research, as well as participants from Europe. Very fruitful contacts have been made over the past three years and there are many collaborative studies that have been initiated.
5. Maps and Reduced Hotel Rates
Electronic versions of the campus map and a list of nearby hotels that offer reduced rates for GMU-related business can be sent to you if you send a note to shanna@gmu.edu.
6. Registration Fee
A $25 registration fee will be collected to cover coffee breaks and administrative expenses. Lunches can be purchased at the Johnson Center (Student Union) food court. Parking is available in the GMU visitors' parking garage at $6/day.
7. Mail Address and Telephone Numbers
Dr. Steven R. Hanna
CSI Mail Stop 5C3
103 Science and Technology I
George Mason University
4400 University Drive
Fairfax, VA 22030-4444
Phone: 703 993 1992;
Fax: 703 993 1980 or 1993
E-mail: shanna@gmu.edu
Administrative Assistant:
Diana Smith (703 993 3622; dsmitk@gmu.edu)
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