Future Events Third Symposium on the Urban Environment,
sponsored by the American Meteorology Society
Web: http://www.ametsoc.org/AMS/meet/online_submit.htmlThe conference will be held 14-18 August 2000 at the University of California, in Davis, California, concurrently with the 24th Conference on Agricultural and Forest Meteorology and the 14th Conference on Biometeorology and Aerobiology.
Posters and papers on all subjects dealing with the urban atmosphere are encouraged. Observational, modeling, theoretical, and applied studies are all welcome. Sessions will be held to cover themes of urban vegetation/atmosphere interactions, turbulent transport and dispersion processes (in urban areas and around buildings), urban air quality (urban airshed modeling and urban air chemistry experiments), measurement challenges and observation techniques in urban environments, urban winds and circulation systems, mesoscale interactions between cities and their surroundings, the energy and water balance of cities, the urban heat island effect and its possible contamination of long-term air temperature records, remote sensing of urban meteorological variables, heat waves and urban biometeorology, models of the urban biosphere, cities as agents of global change, building climate, road climatology, examples of planning and policy changes resulting from urban climate research, urban effects on weather, and weather forecasting for urban areas and city dwellers. A number of special sessions, which include results and opportunities associated with intensive urban campaigns (e.g. ATLANTA, Urban LTER sites, URGENT etc), also are planned. Proposals for other such sessions or for panel discussions are welcome; please contact the Program Chair as soon as possible and certainly before the due date for abstracts. Participants with additional suggestions for the programs are encouraged to contact the program chairperson.
Awards will be given to students for the best papers and posters. In order to be considered for the competition, students should indicate their intent to participate in this competition when they submit their abstract.
The deadline for abstracts was 21 February 2000. Abstracts were submitted electronically at the AMS Web site http://www.ametsoc.org/AMS
Authors of accepted abstracts will be notified by early May 2000. A preprint volume is planned and authors of accepted abstracts are encouraged to contribute to this volume. Instructions for formatting extended manuscripts for the preprint volume will be posted on the AMS Web site. Camera-ready manuscripts (page length to be determined), including photos and diagrams, must be submitted by 6 June 2000 to AMS Headquarters. Page charges will be assessed to defray printing costs. Registrants will receive the preprint volume at the conference.
For additional information, please contact the Program Chairperson:
Sue Grimmond, Ph.D., Associate Professor
Atmospheric Science Program
Director of Graduate Studies
Geography, Student Building 104
701 E. Kirkwood Ave
Indiana University, Bloomington. IN 47405-7100 USA
e-mail: grimmon@indiana.edu
Phone (812) 855 7971
Fax (812) 855 1661
Future Events
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