Internet Urban Climate Homepage
The internet project on an international urban climate homepage is a teamwork between the Department of Urban Climatology, Office of Environmental Protection of the City of Stuttgart, Germany and the Meteorological Institute, University of Freiburg, Germany. The idea for the international urban climate homepage was born during the second Japanese-German Meeting on "Climate Analysis in Urban Planning" taken place in Kobe, Japan in September 1997.
The objective of the international urban climate homepage is to focus and provide information on urban climate, which comprises both the thermal and the air quality component. At present the homepage consists of the following parts:
Cities world-wide are listed which have information and investigations about their own urban climate conditions. The homepage presents general information about these cities, contact persons and institutions which work in the field of urban climate as well as climatic and air pollution data about the cities. There is also included information about past, present and in future planned investigations and projects in urban climatology.
Another feature is an address list of scientists and people who are working in urban climate and related topics. In addition, an actual list of urban climate and related topics meetings, literature/bibliography and glossary of urban climatology are included. Further on, the homepage contains a list of companies working in the field of urban climatology and links about the actual weather and air pollution conditions in these cities.
Tools for urban climate are the biggest part of the urban climate homepage indicating free urban climate models, some demos of urban climate models as well as other software and instruments for investigations on urban climate.
Dr. Andreas Matzarakis
Urban climate and air pollution research laboratory
Meteorological Institute
University of Freiburg
Hebelstr. 27
D-79085 Freiburg
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