Second EMEP - WMO Workshop on
Data Analysis and InterpretationTo be held in Dubrovnik, Croatia, 4-8 October 1999
Organised by
EMEP Technical Centres (MSC-W, CCC and MSC-E),
World Meteorological Organisation (WMO/GAW)
Meteorological and Hydrological Service of Croatia (MHSC)Background
The Convention of Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution has since it was signed in 1979 relied on an extensive European monitoring network (EMEP) measuring the chemical composition of the atmosphere and precipitation. The network is based on existing national monitoring activities and aims at measuring the main components important for assessing the effects of acidification, eutrophication and photooxidants. A parallel regional monitoring programme was established under the WMO in early sixties, which had many of the same objectives as the EMEP. Connection between those two programmes has been recognised and utilised in order to strengthen collaboration of scientists and institutions involved in monitoring and research activities related to problems of acidification, eutrophication and long-range transport of air pollution and the exchange of information and transfer of knowledge.
The collaboration between the regional programmes of EMEP and WMO/GAW becomes even more important in the future since at present in 16 European countries - Parties to the LRTAP Convention - the EMEP monitoring (operational and research) activities are carried out by Meteorological Institutes or Services.
Over the last several years, various meetings and workshops related to monitoring strategy, field measurements, laboratory analyses, data quality reporting and data quality assurance have been organised. Issues of harmonisation of field measurements, analytical methods, geographical coverage, site representativity, etc. throughout the network have been discussed. Still, up to recently, less importance has been given to the data analysis and interpretation, particularly to the utilisation of EMEP results that could sustain the Parties in their efforts in assessing the state of the environment and its dependence on transboundary air pollution, pinpointing problem areas, prioritising efforts, suggesting new initiatives, forecasting the development in the state of the environment (for measures already decided and for new initiatives) etc. This emphasises a need for closer Cupertino and interaction between the EMEP centres and national and other international research and monitoring activities.
Recognising the importance of this work and taking into account recommendations and conclusions of two previous workshops related to this subject (Usti and Labem, 1997, Helsinki 1998) the Steering Body of EMEP, during its twenty-second session in 1998 approved an EMEP/GAW workshop on data analysis and interpretation to be held in October 1999 in Croatia.
Objectives of the Workshop
This Workshop should be considered to be follow-up of the GAW-EMEP "Workshop on Advanced Statistical Methods and their Application to Air Quality Data Sets", held in Helsinki, 1998. The focus of the Helsinki workshop was on training and demonstration of advanced statistical techniques that could be used and applied to EMEP and GAW measurement data, with the discussion of possible Cupertino between scientists (at national, subregional or regional levels) in which such advanced statistical methods would be used to enhance the analysis and interpretation of EMEP/GAW data and EMEP results available in general.
The overall aim of the workshop in Dubrovnik is to further
the interpretation of EMEP/GAW measurement data in order to address problems of data quality, representativity, sub-grid variability, geographical coverage, etc.,
the utilisation of EMEP methods and results (calculated concentration and deposition fields, optimised fields of total concentrations and depositions, critical load levels, excess of critical load levels, etc.) with the purpose of supporting national authorities in their efforts to develop and uphold national environmental policy, and
the Cupertino between countries, between the EMEP/GAW centres and national and other international research and monitoring activities and interaction pertaining to these activities.
The workshop will address issues coming out of the topics described above. More specifically, examples of contributions could be
Assessment of site representativity of national EMEP/GAW stations,
Optimisation of national or regional parts of the EMEP/GAW network towards fulfilling the needs of CLRTAP and/or national monitoring objectives better,
Removal of particularly large sampling or analysis errors that significantly reduce the value of data from the station,
Trend analysis of measured components on a regional level,
Modelling and data analysis and its relation to meteorological factors in different regions,
Evaluation of the modelling results of the EMEP centres using additional information available on a national or regional level,
Independent estimates of what fraction of national emissions are exported, to be compared with EMEP centre estimates (this would provide a quality control check and could, in the longer term, lead to improved estimates from the EMEP centres),
Independent assessments of the national/regional situation for key pollutants, combining information available under EMEP/GAW with all information from other research projects and other institutions going on in the region,
New specific issues emerging from the protocols on Heavy Metals and Persistent organic Pollutants.
The Workshop will be organised with plenary sessions and working groups. Participants are invited to present their results related to the topics/objectives of the Workshop as short oral contributions (15-20 min.) or as a poster. An abstract of maximum one page should follow the registration. All papers accepted by the Organising Committee will be published in the proceedings of the Workshop.
Official language
Papers and abstracts should be written in English, and the presentations should likewise be given in English. There will be no interpreters available.
As soon as possible and not later than 15 May 1999 by filling in the Registration Form and returning it to the MSC-W with a copy to MHSC.
Approximate cost for a single room including breakfast will be specified in second announcement. There is an air connection between Zagreb and Dubrovnik on a daily basis.
For participants willing to come weekend before, or to leave weekend after the Workshop, local organisers (MHSC) could make hotel arrangements under the same terms as during the Workshop.
Second announcement with more precise information about hotel reservation and travel arrangements will be sent out by 15 June 1999.
There will be no conference fee. Travel and accommodation expenses should be covered by the Workshop participants.
Financial Assistance
Partial financial support for travel and living expenses will be considered for a limited number of participants, mainly from countries with economies in transition.
Organising Committee
Anton Eliassen (MSC-W), Oystein Hov (CCC), Alexey Ryaboshapko (MSC-E), John Miller (WMO) and Sonja Vidic (MHSC).
Workshop Secretariat
Meteorological and Hydrological Service of Croatia (MHSC)
Gric 3, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Tel: +385 1 4565 719
Fax: +385 1 431 026
E-mail: vidic@cirus.dhz.hr
(Sonja Vidic)Norwegian Meteorological Institute (DNMI)
Meteorological Synthesising Centre - West
P.O.Box Blindern, 0313 Oslo, Norway
Tel: +47 22 963 153
Fax: +47 22 963 050
E-mail: Anette.Andersen@dnmi.no
(Anette Andersen)Registration as well as the abstract can be sent by e-mail, containing all information requested (Ms Word 6.0 or Reach Text Format file).
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